Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Removal Gets Worse With Every Expansion

Submitted 3 years, 5 months ago by

Easy math time card fans.

If you run a deck with 3 mystic shots what are your chances of having more then one in your opening hand?

How likely is it to have more then one combat trick in hand when you run 10 of them or more?

Therefore unless you have flock the only piece.of removal that combos with your other removal attempts you will always loose 9/10 games when this line of play occurs.

Pass pass, Zed

Pass Pass, Darius

Pass, Pass, thing, sivir, ruin runner

And the reason is that no matter what you play your removal attempts will be answered by the increasing number of cheap, efficient, and powerful burst spells being printed.

So what happens? Decks just start cutting removal entirely unless it's something like grappling hook, or whirling death, or single combat.

Like I think the devs need to understand one simple thing, for every combat trick printed there must be an equal and opposite piece of removal printed.

Otherwise it's just gonna be, play 1 thing, keep that thing alive when played, burst the opponent down to 0 after two swings...yaaah fun.

There are so many cool decks in this game, so many cool mechanics, so much intricacy and champions and deck building options

All to be boiled down to Pass Pass thing, combo out burst...why even design good cards when they will never succeed in that combat trick heavy environment?

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Easy math time card fans.

    If you run a deck with 3 mystic shots what are your chances of having more then one in your opening hand?

    How likely is it to have more then one combat trick in hand when you run 10 of them or more?

    Therefore unless you have flock the only piece.of removal that combos with your other removal attempts you will always loose 9/10 games when this line of play occurs.

    Pass pass, Zed

    Pass Pass, Darius

    Pass, Pass, thing, sivir, ruin runner

    And the reason is that no matter what you play your removal attempts will be answered by the increasing number of cheap, efficient, and powerful burst spells being printed.

    So what happens? Decks just start cutting removal entirely unless it's something like grappling hook, or whirling death, or single combat.

    Like I think the devs need to understand one simple thing, for every combat trick printed there must be an equal and opposite piece of removal printed.

    Otherwise it's just gonna be, play 1 thing, keep that thing alive when played, burst the opponent down to 0 after two swings...yaaah fun.

    There are so many cool decks in this game, so many cool mechanics, so much intricacy and champions and deck building options

    All to be boiled down to Pass Pass thing, combo out burst...why even design good cards when they will never succeed in that combat trick heavy environment?

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    They have always said that they intended this game to be combat-centric and unit-based. I actually prefer to have a meta where board presence is the most important factor, because the game design overall is clearly meant to be focused on beating the opponent on the board, primarily using units, not primarily using spells (or massive effects like pre-nerf Watcher obliterating your deck).

    And incidentally, the more combat tricks you put in your deck, the higher your chances that you just draw a handful of tricks with no units to use them on.

  • KangTheConqueror's Avatar
    Banned 165 63 Posts Joined 07/20/2021
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Yep then theres spellshield which 9 out of 10 times you have no answer for 

    It's getting harder and harder to kill champions

    Ruler of the Multiverse, Lord of Time, The Twentieth Century belongs to Kang! 

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Nifty129

    All to be boiled down to Pass Pass thing, combo out burst...why even design good cards when they will never succeed in that combat trick heavy environment?

    It's ironic that you complain about the "pass pass thing" because that's exactly the control play style, keep passing until your opponent play a unit and pop it off with removal.

    Quote From Author

    Pass pass, Zed

    Pass Pass, Darius

    Pass, Pass, thing, sivir, ruin runner

    So your telling me that in meta where have decks like Pirate Aggro, Lurks and Azir/Irelia, you can just keep passing for four even six turns and still be alive? Not gonna happen.

    You can afford to pass for one or even two turns but after that you have to play proactively develop your board put pressure on your opponent. because otherwise your going to be dead by turn five or six.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Board presence implies having multiple units on board. As just stated the majority of the top tier decks go all in on one champ, usually a cheap one with quick attack.

    Yes some decks continue to do well playing aggro, usually revolving around burn or extra attack phases.

    These decks are "fine" nobody complains that they go for a mystic shot and get noxious fevered. It's far worse when your opponent plays a 3 mana champ and depending on your region you know that he will essentially never be removed, and will threaten insane burst damage and might even have extra attacks.

    Its way toooo swingy the ideal game of legends of runeterra should be decided by mana 5 not mana 3.


  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Nifty129

    Board presence implies having multiple units on board. As just stated the majority of the top tier decks go all in on one champ, usually a cheap one with quick attack.

    There are two deck that play that way Zed/Sivir and Akhsan/Sivir and yes they are very annoying to deal with but two decks is not what I would describe as a majority.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    We also have Fizz Draven , and Temo Zed. Now you havent heard of these decks, want to know why? Because frankly every deck that uses their champions as burst speed non interaction sticks play the same and are built the same.

    The exception being Lee Sin because that deck actually is fairly balanced due to its longer game plan.

  • Phaseshifter's Avatar
    180 114 Posts Joined 06/06/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    If you consistently make good removal everytime you release new cards, then it won't be worth running anything but control decks.

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