Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Top dogs post patch meta

Submitted 2 years, 8 months ago by


Just gonna go over this article pretty quickly, and present my.own thoughts.

Dragons, plunder, Lurk, Sivir, and Sion are solid midrange decks and for that reason they are good right now, are they exceptional, hard to say but solid 9/10 decks for sure.

Lee Sin Zoe...no just no this deck has never been worse right now. Enjoy getting minimorphed, getting your eye of the dragons removed etc.

I would add quite a few more to the list, I belive landmark aggro with Renekton post buff and Ziggs can do some scary stuff, kind of a low ramp midrange list honestly.

Top end wise, turbo ramp into like a auto leveled Asol is scary as hell. Probably a lot worse with counters, but as something you run into once in a blue moon you'll get run over.

The buff to nightfall is actually relavent where playing multiple Champs still gives you his play effect, turns out thats huge. You can run better decks but you can climb with this.

A high rolled Ekko can be absolutely disgusting, I've seen some r and g nightmares where they pull crystal and duplicate it and play ekko leveled on curve into a automatic time wind, like really unbeatable situations.

Swain, Viktor, these niche Champs are also seeing some really strong winrates again due to their midrange identities, Lux can do work, and yes even in very small instances Braum.

So yeah play midrange or aggro-midrange and win games...that's the real lesson from the post patch meta.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago


    Just gonna go over this article pretty quickly, and present my.own thoughts.

    Dragons, plunder, Lurk, Sivir, and Sion are solid midrange decks and for that reason they are good right now, are they exceptional, hard to say but solid 9/10 decks for sure.

    Lee Sin Zoe...no just no this deck has never been worse right now. Enjoy getting minimorphed, getting your eye of the dragons removed etc.

    I would add quite a few more to the list, I belive landmark aggro with Renekton post buff and Ziggs can do some scary stuff, kind of a low ramp midrange list honestly.

    Top end wise, turbo ramp into like a auto leveled Asol is scary as hell. Probably a lot worse with counters, but as something you run into once in a blue moon you'll get run over.

    The buff to nightfall is actually relavent where playing multiple Champs still gives you his play effect, turns out thats huge. You can run better decks but you can climb with this.

    A high rolled Ekko can be absolutely disgusting, I've seen some r and g nightmares where they pull crystal and duplicate it and play ekko leveled on curve into a automatic time wind, like really unbeatable situations.

    Swain, Viktor, these niche Champs are also seeing some really strong winrates again due to their midrange identities, Lux can do work, and yes even in very small instances Braum.

    So yeah play midrange or aggro-midrange and win games...that's the real lesson from the post patch meta.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    Lee Sin is definitely one of the top dogs. Hush don't see much play and there aren't that many deck that use Minimorph, those that do only run two copies, it's 3 lee vs 2 mini you do the math. If you managed to get rid of all their Lee (good luck with that) they still have Zoe level up as secondary win con. Removing Eye of the Dragon is easier said than done, the card itself is decently tanky with it's 3 health and Ionia/Targon combination have the best protection spells in the game. Fortunately the deck is hard to pilot correctly, so most players shouldn't have trouble beating it by exploiting misplays but when you encounter a good Lee Sin player it's one of the few deck that can make you feel like there nothing you can do to beat it.

    That aside I really hope they revert the nerf to Stalking Shadows nightfall is my favorite aggro deck because it actually requires to plan you move ahead rather than just play on curve and go face but right now playing the deck just feels like you doing twice the work for half the reward.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    No hush, minimorph, or stress defense, or frostbite, or hard removal of any kind that must be some insular high end deck building stuff because I laugh at Lee Sin everytime.

    Admididly all my lists even the midrange ones are pretty reactive, and establish a board that is scary enough that they can barely even play Lee Sin they are so busy juggling keeping their eye of the dragons alive and their life total high.

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