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The Best Jayce Decks Review

Submitted 2 years, 10 months ago by

Just gonna repurpose this topic to discuss the meta stats for the new Jayce decks, and do a little sidebar for Swims entries.

Basically Jayce Heimer which I view to be an absolutely cracked op deck has an abysmal 50% winrate a lot of that probably has to do with the inclusion of the win more tech tribal card, when you could literally just run stress test and win more against open attacks.

Jayce Lux does better let's call it 53-55% it's basically the version Mogwai showed off...only changes I make personally to my list is I looooove progress day on Jayce Lux. Getting the burst beam plus the 3 mana discount and the draw and future discounts is big I find for mirrors, and every other matchup.

But the real interesting thing, is that swim will not run this decks at all and basically prefers solo Lux or solo Jayce with just a cycling package all the way down to shell girl on 6 and the obvious 4 mana champ inclusion I will not mention because we are all sick of her.

Finally the only Jayce list to put up real competitive numbers is this card pile here:


I'm 90% certain that this deck wins in the same way go hard used to win.

Elise generates a bunch of pain in the butt bodies, and then you can just go for your slow win con, Jayce into double beam, and sure ledros too why not it basically stops heimer from ever winning.


  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Just gonna repurpose this topic to discuss the meta stats for the new Jayce decks, and do a little sidebar for Swims entries.

    Basically Jayce Heimer which I view to be an absolutely cracked op deck has an abysmal 50% winrate a lot of that probably has to do with the inclusion of the win more tech tribal card, when you could literally just run stress test and win more against open attacks.

    Jayce Lux does better let's call it 53-55% it's basically the version Mogwai showed off...only changes I make personally to my list is I looooove progress day on Jayce Lux. Getting the burst beam plus the 3 mana discount and the draw and future discounts is big I find for mirrors, and every other matchup.

    But the real interesting thing, is that swim will not run this decks at all and basically prefers solo Lux or solo Jayce with just a cycling package all the way down to shell girl on 6 and the obvious 4 mana champ inclusion I will not mention because we are all sick of her.

    Finally the only Jayce list to put up real competitive numbers is this card pile here:


    I'm 90% certain that this deck wins in the same way go hard used to win.

    Elise generates a bunch of pain in the butt bodies, and then you can just go for your slow win con, Jayce into double beam, and sure ledros too why not it basically stops heimer from ever winning.


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