Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Meta Analysis Winter 2021

Submitted 2 years, 7 months ago by


So all the top decks are aggro or burn, and some would say that Gangplank Sejuani is midrange but they are still damaging you every turn so it sure feel agressive. So thats S tier.

A tier includes Jace Lux, Dragons, Thralls, Shadow as potential counters that play a little slower. Now is this actually representative of the games current balance or a response to all the greedy Heimer bs people were playing and instead got effectively  💩 on.

I would say likely more the second thing, like its not hard to tech in tavern keeper, and all different forms of healing that exist in the game to greatly improve your performance.

Even something like deny to crowd out burn plays are high effective. Personally I love when I see aggro decks because you literally know every play they are making before they do so any loss is a failure of deck building creativity vs a failure of play. So overall good meta, F you Heimer and learn to build decks that beat aggro? 

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago


    So all the top decks are aggro or burn, and some would say that Gangplank Sejuani is midrange but they are still damaging you every turn so it sure feel agressive. So thats S tier.

    A tier includes Jace Lux, Dragons, Thralls, Shadow as potential counters that play a little slower. Now is this actually representative of the games current balance or a response to all the greedy Heimer bs people were playing and instead got effectively  💩 on.

    I would say likely more the second thing, like its not hard to tech in tavern keeper, and all different forms of healing that exist in the game to greatly improve your performance.

    Even something like deny to crowd out burn plays are high effective. Personally I love when I see aggro decks because you literally know every play they are making before they do so any loss is a failure of deck building creativity vs a failure of play. So overall good meta, F you Heimer and learn to build decks that beat aggro? 

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    To give an example Zed Poppy supposedly one of the best decks in the game crumbles to even a moderate amount of true midrange pushback. Like sure if all you do is pass and cycle they are gonna eat you with quick attack plus Poppy plus rally.

    Because you cut all the true removal out of your deck, maybe you're dragons and all you do is single combat onto dragon girl...that's way too slow

    Let's say you're darkness and youre playing a veigar into a poppy that's game loosing, how about Jayce well in my experience that matchup is great if you arent running a greedy Heimer version but you probably are.

    But if you start answering them play for play because you arent slow rolling its auto concede by round 3 for them everytime. So yeah aggro decks aren't good, meta decks are just so insular right now that they essentially fall apart when they can't get rolling with a very specific game plan. Aka run removal, run healing, run an actual curve etc. And you'll be fine.

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