Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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The Scariest Mobalytics Decks

Submitted 2 years, 6 months ago by

So we talk a lot about meta, and card balance, and what Champs are strongest.

But sometimes it's worth drawing back the curtain on matchups we personally struggle with  and anything excluded is relatively easy to deal with or tech against, or play against.

1. Dragons - it challenges and strikes with demacia, it grows large midrange threats, and ramps into Asol...this deck scares me because it essentially perfect at being equally good into everything and the best decks often are.

2. Infinite cycle Heimer - kill one thing and they play another, and another and another and another...this deck is control proof and midrange proof so it's everything I hate.

3. Deep & Lurk - something about these decks just very menacing, one is an excellent tournament deck that is just waiting for its time, and the other will just steam roll you if you arent playing perfectly

4.  Ahiri - out of all the new Ionia cards Ahiri is the trickiest to deal with. Amazing stat line for mana with the best keyword, and she basically has elusive too. You enter into a tough situation do you sharpsite the droplet only to eat a twin disciples no you don't so you eat dmg every turn and it's death of a thousand cuts 

5. Rumble - the ultimate do you have the answer card, you can just throw it out. Much like Sivir it's just a pain but unlike her he has a much better level up, but if he does get answered you just loose.

6. Xerath, I have a lot of respect for players who main this guy because his play pattern when run well is exceptionally erratic and unpredictable. Will you beat him most of the time sure but it will be scary the whole time.

So yeah thats it for my list, once again I don't believe these are the best or most competitive decks just the lists that impact me the most when playing against them. 

Things like aggro, and Ezreal you run into so often you can run those matches in your sleep.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    So we talk a lot about meta, and card balance, and what Champs are strongest.

    But sometimes it's worth drawing back the curtain on matchups we personally struggle with  and anything excluded is relatively easy to deal with or tech against, or play against.

    1. Dragons - it challenges and strikes with demacia, it grows large midrange threats, and ramps into Asol...this deck scares me because it essentially perfect at being equally good into everything and the best decks often are.

    2. Infinite cycle Heimer - kill one thing and they play another, and another and another and another...this deck is control proof and midrange proof so it's everything I hate.

    3. Deep & Lurk - something about these decks just very menacing, one is an excellent tournament deck that is just waiting for its time, and the other will just steam roll you if you arent playing perfectly

    4.  Ahiri - out of all the new Ionia cards Ahiri is the trickiest to deal with. Amazing stat line for mana with the best keyword, and she basically has elusive too. You enter into a tough situation do you sharpsite the droplet only to eat a twin disciples no you don't so you eat dmg every turn and it's death of a thousand cuts 

    5. Rumble - the ultimate do you have the answer card, you can just throw it out. Much like Sivir it's just a pain but unlike her he has a much better level up, but if he does get answered you just loose.

    6. Xerath, I have a lot of respect for players who main this guy because his play pattern when run well is exceptionally erratic and unpredictable. Will you beat him most of the time sure but it will be scary the whole time.

    So yeah thats it for my list, once again I don't believe these are the best or most competitive decks just the lists that impact me the most when playing against them. 

    Things like aggro, and Ezreal you run into so often you can run those matches in your sleep.

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Let me see: 

    Dragon decks can be tricky since they can get rid of yasuo and have tricks to stop my deck in combat

    Heimerdinger gets sliced into pieces

    Lurks all have 2 hp and hardly any tricks. Yasuo and Kennen love that. 

    Deep really depens on how early you hit Fae Bladetwirler: if you hit her until turn 4 you should get deep dead in time

    Ahri really gets wrecked by stuns and recalls on the unit next to her- next.

    Rumble needs answers? Ionias has them.

    Xerath decks? I hardly ever have seen them and when I sah them they were quite mediocre not sure what to think about them 

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    If you look at my most recent meta stats Ionia is completely absent from what's being played post hotfix nerfs.

    I wish it wasn't Ionia is super easy to play and tech against.

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    if people actually stop playing ionia just because God-Willow Seedling is less op now and Kinkou Wayfinder is less abusive then that's clearly an overreaction/mistake

    Ionia got great new cards if people don't find ways to use them then that's on them

    could it be that the actual reason why people stoped playing ionia decks is that streamers haven't come up with new decks to copy paste and/or people just want to take their chance to play old decks before new decks roll around?

    Like if your deck was pushed into tier 2-3 by the decks that now got nerfed and now you got a realistic chance to do your thing then you would take this chance wouldn't you?


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