New Mobalytics Tier List
Hey look they did that thing I suggested...hey look spider aggro is in S tier who guessed that....maybe you guys should stop bad mouthing me when my calls and suggestions literally are meta before the meta?
S tier - Spiders, Ahiri, rally, Pantheon
A tier - everything else
Wow they literally even kicked Lee Sin of the tier list entirely not sure who called that? Need I go on guys, money talks bs walks.
Like some of the high minded stuff like the general decline of champ based win cons in favor of over powered followers...we might not really see the ramifications of that for a other year but it will happen if Riot doesn't start changing up its knee jerk champ nerf reactions in favor of buffing other weaker under played Champs.
Like its not enough that a ton of amazing decks have either dropped a tier or have disappeared all together practically overnight? How big and bright does the bat signal need to be till we start taking notice?
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Hey look they did that thing I suggested...hey look spider aggro is in S tier who guessed that....maybe you guys should stop bad mouthing me when my calls and suggestions literally are meta before the meta?
S tier - Spiders, Ahiri, rally, Pantheon
A tier - everything else
Wow they literally even kicked Lee Sin of the tier list entirely not sure who called that? Need I go on guys, money talks bs walks.
Like some of the high minded stuff like the general decline of champ based win cons in favor of over powered followers...we might not really see the ramifications of that for a other year but it will happen if Riot doesn't start changing up its knee jerk champ nerf reactions in favor of buffing other weaker under played Champs.
Like its not enough that a ton of amazing decks have either dropped a tier or have disappeared all together practically overnight? How big and bright does the bat signal need to be till we start taking notice?
How about you stop always creating new posts for the same topic?
Just name a posts Nifty's metatalk and continue it.
The consistant flood of "new" topics is just annoying imo.
The stuff is hilarious, Nifty a couple of month ago is like :
- Mobalytics tier list is not reliable because it's just the opinion of two people and completely bias :
but now it suddenly reliable and despite the list featuring lots champion based deck the guy is still like " CHAMPIONS ARE DEAD ".
Never change man never change.
Its not the same topic they literally overhauled the entire tier list.
Decks have dropped as many as 3 tiers or are gone entirely.
Youre free to make posts about any non topics you wish.
Right now this is the news when there's a new expansion we'll talk about that.
Take a look with your eyeballs where's poke city, where's Poppy, where's Lee Sin, where's Plunder Midrange everything has shifted massively. So what do you want to talk about troll bro?
Sorry here's a forum topic for you guys nerf Lee Sin to 7 mana even though he gets hard countered by Ash just buffed and doesn't even win enough to be C tier.
He just punishes greed, and we kind of need him for that. So start running burst spells, hard removal, and build your own decks? Like I'm sorry I don't share your torch burning sentiments when you're getting your butt kicked by a D tier champ.
Case study: your deck is pass pass white flame, zenith blade, dragon girl. Yeah you'll get denied, concussive palmed, and kicked to death. Oh well maybe don't run a deck with nothing but big creatures buffed by a slow speed spell?
Some champions are viable other are not, the game has always been like that, nothing new here :
You blind or something buddy? Poppy (part of bandle swarm), poke city and plunder midrange are all tier A decks according to that list. Like seriously go buy yourself a pair of classes or even better start thinking a little bit before you start spamming threads.
Anyways you guys have fun in your little club house.
Complaining about your D tier Champs.
Instead of talking about the meta or the actual game or whatever.
Forums are yours to do nothing with.
Nifty, I think you're playing a different game from the rest of us. Either that, or you're hyper focused on just one thing, and you can't see the rest of the landscape.
1. Champion wincons are just as numerous as they've ever been. Yeah, sure, Lee Sin isn't meta currently (though I guarantee you, people are still playing decks with him - I saw one just last night during the only 15 minutes I've watched Twitch in the last month - and it wasn't the streamer playing it). The fact that Lee Sin is not meta does not mean that no champion wincons are meta. That's like saying, "Well, Thralls fell out of the meta, so I guess Riot doesn't want anyone to be able to win with landmarks." The Mobalytics tier list (about which you created this entire thread) has at least half of the decks being heavily dependent on their champions. And incidentally, two of them have Poppy.
2. Just to digress briefly, you were raging about Plunder Midrange in another thread. And there it is, listed as A tier. 53% winrate.
3. You seem to think that decks with champion wincons are more interesting to build. That's actually just plain false. Most of the decks that feature champion wincons are so obvious that they build themselves (or else they come essentially pre-built by Riot). How much has the Lee Sin deck shell changed since he became meta a year ago?
4. I haven't seen any forum threads complaining about champions, D-tier or otherwise. Except yours, of course.
Question. Why does it matter to us, the player what mobalytics say? It seems like it would make more sense for us gauge our enjoyment of the game off of whether the decks we are playing are entertaining us. As a player, why would I care how statistically good a deck is if it’s not one I enjoy or play?
People generally use mobalytics to find decks that look interesting and are also competitive. Why? Because most people suck at building decks, me included. I get an idea, build it - doesn't really work. Go check mobalytics, find a better list, and it works better.
It's a tool, just like any other tool. It's useful in many different ways - but how you use it all depends on what you want to accomplish with it.
Sites that provides statics like Mobalytics or Runeterra.Ar are a good way to know if your deck is going to be viable on ladder, even if your are not playing a meta deck. If you check the statistics and see that many aggro deck are top tier then you know that a deck that run many expensive spell's/unit's is simply not going to work for example.
Personally, I find no fun or entertainment in losing, like losing a couple of games is fine but going on losing streak is about as fun to me as a kick in the nut's. I don't need play the best deck but it has to be competitive enough
I agree knowing your enemy is something very useful in LoR
If i wouldn't know that the removal of the current meta decks was very mediocre I couldn't confidently pick riven vi stack my units to 10 power and stomp my enemies.
That said I still like the more casual attitude of Bingo. Playing for fun certainly is a good thing to do on LoR
I however witnessed that players in gold doesn't seem to care about tier lists otherwise i would not see covina control being the most played archetype (which is kinda bad for a deck filled with 1 health units )
The reason why deckbuilding is so complicated are the different aspects of a deck that need to be addressed in to make a deck actually good.
Those aspects are:
Tempo (don't spend the first 2 turns passing unless you want to cast a 6 cost spell/or play a Nami deck)
Consistantcy (make sure you know your key cards and that the key cards are 3 ofs)
Individual card power (no matter if a card was meant for your archetype or not: play it if it does work don't if it doesn't)
Disruption (keep the opponent from winning eighter through aggression or removal)
Ressistance to disruption (make sure you deck can shrug off 1 aoe, 2 spotremovals, and can address early agression)
Scaling (to know when you want to end and what cards to consider)
Nexus healing (to counter burn)
Edit: lets make an gentlemen agreement that if nifty creates another post of this kind we remain on one of his older posts on this topic? He eventually stops with that behavior then
Good suggestion.