Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

just challenge everything

Last updated 2 years, 1 month ago
  • Archetype Control
  • Deck Type Ranked
  • Crafting Cost 23800
  • Your Cost 23800
Nifty129's Avatar Banned 0

I rebuild this deck every meta but this might be the best version yet

Rock bird, white flame, challenger dragon these are all the best snow ball Jarvan activators in the game right now along with Shyvana

Only problem is draw, and having enough spells to keep everything alive.

Targon is your best friend for that, along with new options like shield of durand

Bladekeeper is one of those low key amazing card right now, 5/5 stats across two bodies that keeps things alive to trade

Fairly resistant to aggro as well who go wide faster, but guiding touch keeps you in the game while you trade up over and over till they run out of stuff

Not as many strikes as people tend to run in lists like this, but again if your champs level 5 strikes goes to infinite strikes anyway.

Finally king Jarvan is very good after the buff, he went from 3 dmg to 5 with a great play effect and large body


Final comments: beats the mirror with pantheon, beats aggro if your draws are okay, beats mono shurima, beats ramp, only loses to hard control with an abundance of hard removal buffs are useless against that.

Easy tweeks just adding saga seeker to reduce bricks

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  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    This deck may be too strong. 

    Played 10 games and only lost 2.

    1 I bricked till mana 5 with 20 spells there's a small chance that might happen

    The other was just the hard counter with catlyn ezreal 3 mana kill your buffed units feels pretty bad.

    But thats still an 80% winrate in Swim numbers.

    Aka not sustainable or realistic in the slightest and more indicative of player skill, and deck placement in meta.


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