Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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How To Brew For Difficult Metas

Submitted 2 years, 2 months ago by

Gonna talk about 3 decks that have risen in popularity and power and more specifically the connecting thread that binds them.

1. Viktor

High value unit that can gain massive tempo with the likes of ambush

2. Rumble

High value unit that can gain massive tempo with discard

3. Pantheon

High value unit that can gain massive tempo with buffs


We've had aggro metas, we've had midrange metas, we've had combo metas.

This is the tempo meta, playing hard to remove things that can swing for massive dmg essentially.

So how do you counter tempo or brew against it?

You have to provide counter tempo, plays that kill their stuff while representing threats of your own.

Shadow is too slow, Ezreal/Catlyn is great, personally I love my 80% winrate Jarvan list.

But I've seen overwhelm decks, and yes even Ekko for the meme kings out there doing well because of their massive counter tempo plays.

Requiring answers every turn of their own so the tempo decks never get rolling.

So happy brewing, the answers are easy, the games are fast, just don't suck and you'll never need to grind.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Gonna talk about 3 decks that have risen in popularity and power and more specifically the connecting thread that binds them.

    1. Viktor

    High value unit that can gain massive tempo with the likes of ambush

    2. Rumble

    High value unit that can gain massive tempo with discard

    3. Pantheon

    High value unit that can gain massive tempo with buffs


    We've had aggro metas, we've had midrange metas, we've had combo metas.

    This is the tempo meta, playing hard to remove things that can swing for massive dmg essentially.

    So how do you counter tempo or brew against it?

    You have to provide counter tempo, plays that kill their stuff while representing threats of your own.

    Shadow is too slow, Ezreal/Catlyn is great, personally I love my 80% winrate Jarvan list.

    But I've seen overwhelm decks, and yes even Ekko for the meme kings out there doing well because of their massive counter tempo plays.

    Requiring answers every turn of their own so the tempo decks never get rolling.

    So happy brewing, the answers are easy, the games are fast, just don't suck and you'll never need to grind.

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