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Regarding content creation

Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by


There was a post a while ago calling for content contribitors. I have a thought.

For starters, there is not a lot of strategy articles around for hearthstone. To contrast, for Magic the gathering there is a wealth of content with genereal strategy, deck guides and much more. I would be interested in such articles for Hearthstone. 

Now, I do not have the time to write a lot of articles myself, and even if I had the time, I would quickly run out of material to write about. What I could do is to write an article every once in a while. Could be with arena strategy, a deck guide to something I've played a lot, deep-diving into a certain matchup...

I'm sure there are many others who could write something interesting about their pet deck or something else, but not too often. Maybe just once. Why not have an open, or semi-open, column where users of the site can contribute with an article? Could be a weekly thing, or more often, or less. Maybe you'd organize it so that you apply for a slot in a schedule and get a deadline a week priot, or just send in articles whenever you have lne and they are put in the waiting line (would like the former better myself). Maybe with some general guidelines like preferred length and roughly what kind of content it should be.

Anyways, just an idea aiming to help the site, get some interesting to read stuff and have some fun as a community. A nice side effect is giving people who never really write articles some motivation for trying their hands at it, a very useful experience!

  • Vortid's Avatar
    180 41 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago


    There was a post a while ago calling for content contribitors. I have a thought.

    For starters, there is not a lot of strategy articles around for hearthstone. To contrast, for Magic the gathering there is a wealth of content with genereal strategy, deck guides and much more. I would be interested in such articles for Hearthstone. 

    Now, I do not have the time to write a lot of articles myself, and even if I had the time, I would quickly run out of material to write about. What I could do is to write an article every once in a while. Could be with arena strategy, a deck guide to something I've played a lot, deep-diving into a certain matchup...

    I'm sure there are many others who could write something interesting about their pet deck or something else, but not too often. Maybe just once. Why not have an open, or semi-open, column where users of the site can contribute with an article? Could be a weekly thing, or more often, or less. Maybe you'd organize it so that you apply for a slot in a schedule and get a deadline a week priot, or just send in articles whenever you have lne and they are put in the waiting line (would like the former better myself). Maybe with some general guidelines like preferred length and roughly what kind of content it should be.

    Anyways, just an idea aiming to help the site, get some interesting to read stuff and have some fun as a community. A nice side effect is giving people who never really write articles some motivation for trying their hands at it, a very useful experience!

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2792 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Hi, thanks for the suggestion. We do plan on doing this and much more with huge focus on content creators in all shapes and forms. We will eventually have a dedicated tool for it, way to display it on your profile, on the site, ways to favorite and filter custom stuff and more. We have so much stuff we want to do, but it all takes time and we have to prioritize.

    For now i think we will just see how our recent recruitment goes and take things from there. That is not to say that you cant make a forum post on an interesting topic and create these monthly or one-off articles on the forums anyway. If ppl like it and we like it, we might consider working with you in the future, so dont be afraid to show us what u got :)

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  • Vortid's Avatar
    180 41 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Sure, and that is what I usually do when I post a deck and make a write up anyway, but less text and less structured. Sounds like you have some exciting plans. :) 

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