Make an article about the new skins, card backs and achievements every time there's a new patch
Submitted 2 years, 5 months ago by
These 3 things are never mentioned in the patch notes nor properly documented anywhere else
Also, the last patch added a lot of Mercenaries and Solo Adventures achievements..
Would it be possible to make an article whenever new skins, card backs and achievements get added?
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These 3 things are never mentioned in the patch notes nor properly documented anywhere else
Also, the last patch added a lot of Mercenaries and Solo Adventures achievements..
Would it be possible to make an article whenever new skins, card backs and achievements get added?
We always aim to make a new card back article within the first days of a month (plus what else to expect), so that gets its time in the spotlight. And we document them ahead of time here (in the navigation menu at the top of the page, you can see "Card Backs" both under "Cards" and "Guides"). Looking at the rest down the line could be a worthy consideration, even though it might not always be simple to tell with the achievements.
You can also always filter for new skins by the patch here ("Hero Skins" under the "Cards" on the navigation menu), but it's probably not common knowledge.
Thank you, i will save these links.