Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Who's The Bigger Troll

Submitted 1 year, 10 months ago by

its no secret that Kaisa and Bard are essentially tied for both best champions

So which do you hate the most, big board and high tempo followers, or small followers and big tempo champion?

Honestly i still think this is the most fun you can have in LoR right now, beyond these two big perpetrators ^ the win rates are exceptionally balanced

And I can run my brews and hit 6 wins in row with decks like Lurk, Deep, and Ramp.

But these matchups remain problematic and you just have to accept that sometimes when you que in you will get blown up.

If you accept that you're at a disadvantage being off meta you'll have a great time

and it's better then last season where I just saw the same 3 decks over and over again, here we have a great deal of diversity outside of Bard.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    its no secret that Kaisa and Bard are essentially tied for both best champions

    So which do you hate the most, big board and high tempo followers, or small followers and big tempo champion?

    Honestly i still think this is the most fun you can have in LoR right now, beyond these two big perpetrators ^ the win rates are exceptionally balanced

    And I can run my brews and hit 6 wins in row with decks like Lurk, Deep, and Ramp.

    But these matchups remain problematic and you just have to accept that sometimes when you que in you will get blown up.

    If you accept that you're at a disadvantage being off meta you'll have a great time

    and it's better then last season where I just saw the same 3 decks over and over again, here we have a great deal of diversity outside of Bard.

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    You! :D

    Jokes aside: I don't think that Kai'Sa and Bard compare well.

    While Bard is overpowered and boring Kai'Sa is uninteractive and frustrating to deal with.

    Both aren't fun matchups although i pref boring over unfair ones.

    In the end both could use a tweak to be less annoying but what do I know as a pleb who doesn't really play much runterra right now

    Okay played some more games now and I am now 100% certain: Kai'sa MUST be adjusted  to leave removal based strategies a way to play the game. 

    If you don't have the perfect answer for her as she lands you will lose and even if you should have the answer the opponent might have the answers to your answers right away because shurima.

    The fact that lvl 2 Kai'Sa is so easy to get and will win you the game easily on her own turns she into an "I win button", worse than Lee Sin was at his hights

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Yeah, depending on your preference for worse best champ, is largely down to your personal pressure points and play style.

    Kaisa is strong but I intrinsically understand the counter.

    Snap your answer on turn 5 before passing turn priority, that makes sense I can wrap my head around that, although demanding such a rigid response is frustrating for players who want to play their own way, in a card game.

    Bard is my personal least favorite champion, because he breaks the conventions established by the "Runeterra Region"

    Ie. you can put any type of my card in your deck you want, but I convey no inherent advantages beyond deck flexibility.

    This is how Jhin, and Evelyn works and it's perfectly fine and balanced.

    Bard on the other hand provides massive statistical improvements both in terms of win rates and actual follower stats just by existing, just by being a thing, just by having the card in your deck and not even in hand.

    This is dumb, please rebalance Bard cards so his kit is self sufficient, and remove his free stat improvement of 3 chimes per turn when he's the only Runeterra champion that works this way.

    Imagine if Temo planted 3 shromes in your opponents deck per turn for free with 0 interaction.

    So yeah while evolve can definitely be easily tweaked by demanding one more keyword to proc, Bard needs a full rework, because every deck he's in is improved by his mere presence, and I don't know about you guys but I didn't sign up to play Legends Of Bard the card game.

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    At this point I won't repeat myself and just remind of my comment on Kai'Sa actually not even being answered by answers because of shuriman support cards and because your first Kai'Sa is buffing all Kai'Sa s to come with spellshield regardsless if she survives or not.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Yeah you can hourglass, you can deny with Kaisa

    And Ionia can bounce and stun and deny with Bard shen.

    So its no surprise that the two least interactive champions are also experts at disrupting your opponents disruption.

    Saying which flavor of meta is more toxic is like asking which flavor of ass you'd rather eat on a plater, the answer is throw both of them out.

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    To be fair:

    Ionia always has been the region of interruption and therefore never got access to spellshield.

    Riot really needs to reconsider the design choices made with shurima and look into what weakness shurima is supposed to have. 

    Maybe it's nerfing Rite of Negation as I said before, Maybe it's nerfing Quicksand to turn the region into a region weak to combat. 

    But Riot really should take some effort to give the region a defined weakness that other regions can take advantage of.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    In terms of winrates bard is outperforming Kaisa. They also fixed the sharpsight bug where it used to level her at burst that was a joke.

    But sure 1 more keyword to evolve will probably put her from 54% to 52% and be a niche deck at that point.

    But the total ubiquity of Bard is something that can and should and needs to be fixed if LOR is going to continue being a game that encourages champion diversity.

    Outside of Kaisa and Bard I consider Ionia and Shurima.to be healthy and fine. It's when the champions are this good that countering disruption borderlines on toxic.

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    I would guess that bard strikes higher winrates because he is kinda idiot proof so that "less" talented players can still perform on him as he literally is a statstick champion.

    Kai'Sa is proably healthy around 51-50% with 10% playrate at best the same way Lee Sin was. 

    56% win with 20% playrate on a "hard" champion is pretty clearly too much and there is no way riot doesn't agree on that and will nerf the archetype ... together with the chimes archetype 



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