Infinite security checkup at login
Submitted 2 years, 2 months ago by
I'm having the issue of not being able to login from my phone (ColorOS 12.1 = Android 12), while using the Dolphin browser (firefox is fine) because i get an infinite loop during the security check:
Quote From No Author Specified
Checking if the site connection is secure needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.
This screen keeps on reloading, for eternity, every 20 seconds or so. The funny thing is, i never had any issues with this browser and the site did let me login properly some time ago.
I've tried clearing the cache and cookies. Still the same problem.
Also, there is an issue with loading the main page, with any mobile browser i've tried. It's impossible to click on anything, and usually those clicks end up activating the wrong stuff, for 5-10 seconds upon entering the site. There is some heavy processing in the background most likely, but it also locks up the page's actions.
Others and I have posted some comments about it, on one of the last posts by Flux about the site improvements or something similar. Unfortunately i cannot find it anymore (how can i see my comment history?) and can't remember what to look for exactly.
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I'm having the issue of not being able to login from my phone (ColorOS 12.1 = Android 12), while using the Dolphin browser (firefox is fine) because i get an infinite loop during the security check:
This was the original thread 😉
Unfortunately, no new feedback nor has the issue been fixed in the meantime which is a pity. In the past, I enjoyed my daily frequent visits on OoC, but since the big site update this experience has gone downhill significantly. Currently, the Hearthstone meta is also not enjoyable (at least for me). Really makes me wonder whether I should keep spending my time and interest on this game.
Ok, this is beyond annoying.
Case 1: as a signed out user (since i cannot login from Dolphin browser), i pressed the "forums" tab from the front page. Everything seemed fine. I pressed one of the threads' title link. Didn't scroll the page nor anything. After about 5 seconds the thread from 2 items below started loading, instead of the one I actually pressed.
Case 2: opened the site in mozilla firefox, as i can login in here, to write this text. Went to the same "forums" tab of the main page. Pressed "more recent threads". After about 3 seconds the page started to load. Each page from the response is loading in halves - as i scroll the page towards the bottom, the lower half shows up as black and loads up in at least 3 seconds. This behaviour is not replicated with the Dolphin browser as the pages usually load up quicker.
Frankly, I cannot believe these page loading issues are not experienced by more OoC members. I noticed some frequent visitors have been absent lately. Of course, there is no way I can pinpoint with certainty that this might the reason, but seriously what is causing this annoying bug and why is it still not solved or even acknowledged yet?
If anyone is having an issue with Cloudflare's anti-ddos and anti-bot protection, and only in a certain browser, there's nothing we're able to do about it. For whatever reason, Cloudflare has determined it can't go any further with the sign-in. This could be a misbehaving browser addon or something configured in your browser that is abnormal.
If you have JavaScript disabled, or adblock, it's possible either of these could be interfering with it.
Sorry for the trouble, but this check on our login and registration pages has cut down on spam enormously, which makes our lives a lot easier. I wish there was something we could do to make this work, but I'm going to have to trust Cloudflare on this one because they protect millions of websites and the integrity check is definitely used on a good chunk of them without issue - and plenty of folks are still able to login at that!
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It's ok, i understand and fully agree. Reducing spam is a lot better in all situations. I'll just use firefox when i want to write something, so no harm done.
How about the loading issues?