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Popular Streamers Switching To Marvel Snap

Submitted 2 years, 1 month ago by

So with the release of the newest mini set Lor has been kind of a mess.

A lot of the interesting and worth while play patterns that defined the game are increasingly being ironed out for what works.

Turbo strategies, do nothing strategies, general malaise and lack of interest/intrigue

Topped off now with what can only be described as streamer migration.

It began small by Swim and BBG quitting the game but now even Mogwai has left for a competitor.

I have to say that the future of Lor is looking darker then it has for quite some time.

I would say personally that the only real fix is going to be archetype support, hard buffs for freijord, and legitimate reasons to play midrange again.

Beyond that what is it that makes Lor truly appealing when compared to its competitors because I'm starting to forget.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    So with the release of the newest mini set Lor has been kind of a mess.

    A lot of the interesting and worth while play patterns that defined the game are increasingly being ironed out for what works.

    Turbo strategies, do nothing strategies, general malaise and lack of interest/intrigue

    Topped off now with what can only be described as streamer migration.

    It began small by Swim and BBG quitting the game but now even Mogwai has left for a competitor.

    I have to say that the future of Lor is looking darker then it has for quite some time.

    I would say personally that the only real fix is going to be archetype support, hard buffs for freijord, and legitimate reasons to play midrange again.

    Beyond that what is it that makes Lor truly appealing when compared to its competitors because I'm starting to forget.

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    We all agreed before that swim didn't left because he lost interest in LoR but because he did ... bad things that lost him his fanbase's support and and ended his career altogether.

    When Mogwai is playing Marval Snap for being a new and generally more hyped game right now it's only smart of him to "ride the wave".

    It's to be seen weather he will return to LoR later. it could be that he doesn't but that's not certain at all at this point. I would suggest letting the dust settle before making assumptions that very well could be wrong.

    I would agree that LoR isn't in a good state right now. There are certain archetypes always forming top tier decks (like Akshan), there are gimmicy archetypes pushed beyond fun gameplay areas (seraphine) and overall the game doesn't really manage to reinvent itself well enough that I would care to become a ranked player again.  

    I am out of touch with pvp and for as long as pve stays as profitable as it is there will never be an incentive for me to change anything about that.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    I also have also have been mostly sticking to PVE and unranked PVP EZ/Seraphine is Just EZ/Kennen 2.0 and after raining in those Demancia Rally cards they went on and gave an even one better in Vayne. 

    Which is a shame because I was legit enjoying the pre-expansion meta.

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    Mogwai did say that he's planning to still make LoR content and will likely cover both games, and given that his Marvel Snap videos are not getting more views than his LoR videos, I doubt he will permanently switch over. Swim quitting was entirely unrelated to game health so that aspect is totally irrelevant, so there's no real pattern of streamers quitting. What does worry me though is that it doesn't seem like there's much growth in terms of LoR youtube view counts or new streamers joining, makes me worried that LoR could be under the numbers it needs to justify a larger budget and will just maintain the same level of content that is has now (which would curb the possibility of them developing a new expeditions replacement mode or something else that could pull LoR out of its rut and give it something to really draw new players in with)

  • Thonson's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1740 1737 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    Just to give OP some comfort, this same topic of debate has come up with Hearthstone every year since about 2016 and it has yet to go anywhere.  Has it lost some audience?  Sure, it's almost 9 years old (I think almost 10 if you count original beta time) and several popular content creators have moved on or changed game modes, but it's still fine.  When one streamer leaves another usually rises to fill the void, or multiple rise up and split their audience.  A few streamers leaving from time to time will happen, but it is not necessarily a sign that a mass exodus is or will happen.  The people streaming are also playing the game a lot more than most of the player base as streaming it is their job.  So they are more likely to move on sooner than most other players because they get super fatigued by playing the same game every day.

    Quick!  Someone give me something clever to write here.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    I've gotten out of touch with the competitive scene as well.

    But thats only because this.is the first mini set that felt legitimately low impact.

    Almost the mtg thing where you have impactful cards being the champions, and then just bulk.

    Like hey new Draken equipment that nobody uses, new followers that nobody uses, new spells that nobody uses.

    Instead it just akshan, tf, the rally deck, the Ionia deck, the otk deck. Nothing really new or exciting here and I actually feel like foe the first time.ever I wasted all my dust for this sets additions.

    Are they even getting re-tuned like if I was a streamer I would be dreadfully bored of LOR right now and leave too.

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