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Lor Meta Review - Aka Why Arechetypes Matter Again

Submitted 1 year, 11 months ago by


Okay so now that the hot fix has landed and we can safely say we've moved past the stupid card pile phase, which happens every now and then, and pro players are like man this 3 champion split deck is 100% the best deck in the game, we can talk about what people are actually playing.

S tier:

1. Lulu Jinx - that right now the game is more or less balanced you can just play sneezy bigger dust and win fun deck that has stood the test of time in S tier

2. Pirate aggro - nerfed into the ground and still S tier its never going anywhere

A tier:

1  hallowed - yep another deck that has stood the test of time with the competitive use of the "recently" reworked Katarina showing that any low tier can become top tier.

2.hemier shadow - there's always some version of heimer control that is playable this does not change its universal

3. Ramp - ramp is probably the strongest its been in a long time in the latest expansion, I would call it almost unfair and all the best decks are.

4. Attrox decks - I'm just gonna lump these together cheap value equipment plus a big boy, sometimes you play for value and you go Kayne sometimes you play for thr extra attacks with Vayne, good flexible champ.

5. Swain Tf - one of the oldest viable control decks in LOR revitalized by the buffs to Swain and boat. Once again any low tier deck can be A tier.

6.plunder - even the nerf to gangplank can't keep this powerhouse midrange deck down.

7. Annie Jhin - kinda the worse version of aggro right now mainly because Jhins champ spell is the worst in the game. Change that and this aggro deck might hit S tier one day.

8. Seraphine Ezreal - still a good combo deck due to the spell priority change where spell procs happen instantly and you can just stack 10 spells for lethal, the nerd to barkeep didn't change a ton

9. Rumble - kinda just a scary card and obviously vayne let's him attack extra but I don't think she's necessary

Personal addition:

10. Shurima - I don't care if it's mono shurima or ziggs thaliyah landmarks this deck did not go from S tier to D tier with a 1 mana nerf.

B tier: 

Lurk & deep - I'm gonna lump these together as the good bilgewater tribal decks I think they are both very playable

Yassao - yep if you're not brain deck this deck can put in the work

Zed Heckarim - got a very strong tribal card eith the latest expansion which makes it quite playable but not without weakness

So there you have it, actual archetypes and actual decks. I wouldn't be surprised if there's eay more thats viable that people just aren't playing.

The card pool is massive at this point and I kinda like that.

I'm gonna hate rotation, and I kinda hate these one hit wonder Champs Lor keeps releasing when Swain and Sejuani have been A tier for like the entirety of the lifespan of the game.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago


    Okay so now that the hot fix has landed and we can safely say we've moved past the stupid card pile phase, which happens every now and then, and pro players are like man this 3 champion split deck is 100% the best deck in the game, we can talk about what people are actually playing.

    S tier:

    1. Lulu Jinx - that right now the game is more or less balanced you can just play sneezy bigger dust and win fun deck that has stood the test of time in S tier

    2. Pirate aggro - nerfed into the ground and still S tier its never going anywhere

    A tier:

    1  hallowed - yep another deck that has stood the test of time with the competitive use of the "recently" reworked Katarina showing that any low tier can become top tier.

    2.hemier shadow - there's always some version of heimer control that is playable this does not change its universal

    3. Ramp - ramp is probably the strongest its been in a long time in the latest expansion, I would call it almost unfair and all the best decks are.

    4. Attrox decks - I'm just gonna lump these together cheap value equipment plus a big boy, sometimes you play for value and you go Kayne sometimes you play for thr extra attacks with Vayne, good flexible champ.

    5. Swain Tf - one of the oldest viable control decks in LOR revitalized by the buffs to Swain and boat. Once again any low tier deck can be A tier.

    6.plunder - even the nerf to gangplank can't keep this powerhouse midrange deck down.

    7. Annie Jhin - kinda the worse version of aggro right now mainly because Jhins champ spell is the worst in the game. Change that and this aggro deck might hit S tier one day.

    8. Seraphine Ezreal - still a good combo deck due to the spell priority change where spell procs happen instantly and you can just stack 10 spells for lethal, the nerd to barkeep didn't change a ton

    9. Rumble - kinda just a scary card and obviously vayne let's him attack extra but I don't think she's necessary

    Personal addition:

    10. Shurima - I don't care if it's mono shurima or ziggs thaliyah landmarks this deck did not go from S tier to D tier with a 1 mana nerf.

    B tier: 

    Lurk & deep - I'm gonna lump these together as the good bilgewater tribal decks I think they are both very playable

    Yassao - yep if you're not brain deck this deck can put in the work

    Zed Heckarim - got a very strong tribal card eith the latest expansion which makes it quite playable but not without weakness

    So there you have it, actual archetypes and actual decks. I wouldn't be surprised if there's eay more thats viable that people just aren't playing.

    The card pool is massive at this point and I kinda like that.

    I'm gonna hate rotation, and I kinda hate these one hit wonder Champs Lor keeps releasing when Swain and Sejuani have been A tier for like the entirety of the lifespan of the game.

  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago

    I've been playing a completely new deck idea through Diamond 4 into Diamond 3 and nearly Diamond 2 (with only a couple of losses).

    Leona/Katarina - I saw it listed as a hot new thing that's making waves, and I have to say that it is really impressive. It's aggro enough that it can just win games if your opponent doesn't do much on the first two turns, and the makers called it aggro, but it seems a bit more like early midrange or something.

    Doesn't have a high playrate currently, but the winrate is quite high ... like around the 60% mark. I'm currently at 76/100 in Diamond 3, with only one loss since 0/100 Diamond 4. So, figuring the math for that ... I'm 9-1 at the moment, though I did lose one game when I was at 0/100 Diamond 4. So, 9-2 I guess (unless you include the 3 games in Platinum, which would make it 12-2 since I first picked up the deck from scratch with no tutorial about how to use it or anything).

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