Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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The Most Interesting Meta Developments You Need To Know About

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by

I'm not gonna sit here and say ramp good, Gwen good, attrox good, plunder good.

Because I have a high confidence in everyone that plays LOR will have a decent understanding that "archetypes" > "card piles" right now and that the deck stats are quite even.

Also midrange good, when everything else is balanced...duh.

Instead I'm gonna talks about the sneaky decks nobody knows about and why they are significant and possitive indicator of the overall balance of LOR right now.

1. Ekko - somebody once said that if Ekko was ever a good card LOR would be unplayable. Turns out that's stupid because when a high synergy, champ dependent deck is swinging a 53% winrate when he used to be F tier that is very good for the overall health of your game.

2. Elites - often viewed as the absolute worst deck in the game but if you can climb and win with Garen granted at 51% that's a healthy meta. You can take the absolute worst champion in the game right now to masters if you grind enough...that's amazing!

3. The unknown - when you see every single deck in the game performing at 54% and lower with key powerhouses like pirate aggro only hitting 51% that means pro players have no idea what the hell they should be playing.

Graplr - my man

Majin - no Ionia sir

Mogwai - abandoned

Sunny - his lists are just for fun

The point is that if you can build your own list that performs up to a 51% winrate standard according to mastering runeterra you are essentially as good as pirate aggro.

I can do that **** in my sleep and so can you. Death to card piles, long live archetypes.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    I'm not gonna sit here and say ramp good, Gwen good, attrox good, plunder good.

    Because I have a high confidence in everyone that plays LOR will have a decent understanding that "archetypes" > "card piles" right now and that the deck stats are quite even.

    Also midrange good, when everything else is balanced...duh.

    Instead I'm gonna talks about the sneaky decks nobody knows about and why they are significant and possitive indicator of the overall balance of LOR right now.

    1. Ekko - somebody once said that if Ekko was ever a good card LOR would be unplayable. Turns out that's stupid because when a high synergy, champ dependent deck is swinging a 53% winrate when he used to be F tier that is very good for the overall health of your game.

    2. Elites - often viewed as the absolute worst deck in the game but if you can climb and win with Garen granted at 51% that's a healthy meta. You can take the absolute worst champion in the game right now to masters if you grind enough...that's amazing!

    3. The unknown - when you see every single deck in the game performing at 54% and lower with key powerhouses like pirate aggro only hitting 51% that means pro players have no idea what the hell they should be playing.

    Graplr - my man

    Majin - no Ionia sir

    Mogwai - abandoned

    Sunny - his lists are just for fun

    The point is that if you can build your own list that performs up to a 51% winrate standard according to mastering runeterra you are essentially as good as pirate aggro.

    I can do that **** in my sleep and so can you. Death to card piles, long live archetypes.

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