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How To Win In A 2 Deck Meta

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by

Elites are very good right now they are the best aggro deck.

And Jayce is the best control deck.

All right were done let's go home guys.

Lor has the largest cardpool in its history accessible only for the next 30 days.

But lets see if we can make immortal kegs work.

Instead of you know actually making decks that actually do things.

I guess this is what it means to be spoiled for choice and choosing nothing.

But I'll tell you guys I don't forget a single deck and I can tell you they all have their merits.

Did bandle die because elites got 1 card?


Did noxious die because P and Z got draw?


Did every single pre-built archetype die for no reason?


The reality is I'm seeing an unprecedented amount of brewing laziness while everyone just waits for rotation to tell them what to play.

You know what's better then immortal kegs and was actual a real deck at one point?

Shadow isles bilgewater ping control or kegs thresh gangplank.

Why not try building a non dumb deck with them?

I dont know when everyone got so bad at the game honestly, where's mogwai and swim when you need them.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    Elites are very good right now they are the best aggro deck.

    And Jayce is the best control deck.

    All right were done let's go home guys.

    Lor has the largest cardpool in its history accessible only for the next 30 days.

    But lets see if we can make immortal kegs work.

    Instead of you know actually making decks that actually do things.

    I guess this is what it means to be spoiled for choice and choosing nothing.

    But I'll tell you guys I don't forget a single deck and I can tell you they all have their merits.

    Did bandle die because elites got 1 card?


    Did noxious die because P and Z got draw?


    Did every single pre-built archetype die for no reason?


    The reality is I'm seeing an unprecedented amount of brewing laziness while everyone just waits for rotation to tell them what to play.

    You know what's better then immortal kegs and was actual a real deck at one point?

    Shadow isles bilgewater ping control or kegs thresh gangplank.

    Why not try building a non dumb deck with them?

    I dont know when everyone got so bad at the game honestly, where's mogwai and swim when you need them.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    I'm gonna give a real life example of brewing to victory.

    I'm playing Lucian Heckarim a deck with a 40% winrate if we want to be charitable probably 30%.

    Against elites a 57% winrate deck, so how do I win, I think that before I mulligan, before I click start, before the game has even begun I think how do I win 100% of this game...and only this game.

    The answer?

    Challenger landmark, I simple drag every single superior value engine the opponent has off the board and into the shadow realm.

    I even trade my Lucian into their dog, why?

    Cuz dog is top tier and Lucian is just a card.

    I win by a landslide with the opponent being on double Smith which is optimal for your standard hard-core face smash at speed playstyle.

    Drag, drag, drag with my ephemerals, hate spike, hate spike, the opponent doesn't even get to play the game.

    So I won three times, I won when I brewed the deck, and I won off the agressive mulligan, and I won off my individual plays.

    Thats how you brew to win.

    Whoever this person was and I hope it wasnt a "good" player hit concede soooo fast it crashed my game. True story.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    Now the only problem is that while beating elites is easy, yes I said it being slightly overstated doesn't make your deck have superior wincons all it can do is play linearly while you can do anything you want.

    I dont know what beats Jayce Lux right now.

    It used to be that they would just run out of steam of have to go all in on progress day.

    But now they can literally play 6 mana to draw two cards with 3 mana banked and 3 mana refunded they get to keep a second 6 mana spell online for free.

    That means that punishing windows etc. Are very hard to find.

    I think hallowed should work well on paper. It's pretty happy to see you trade off or cast spells on units that mean nothing and you just Harrowing to win. 

    So red Gwen, qwin Gwen, some rally heavy brew, a lot of this stuff is probably harder to control. Or you could try yetis again the 5/5 statline is immune to shock blast, and you also have the likes of thralls.

    Just turbo out 8/8 statlines that p&z demacia don't have the tools to deal with.

    What do you think guys how do we counter brew the other biggest meta deck?

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    God you guys are dumb the whole point is to brew against the meta not against me.

    I play memes, what does beating me do?

    Make you feel like u suck less till the actual meta deck comes along and turns your face into a skateboard?

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