Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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So I hit masters easily and I feel nothing

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by

I did it with a meta deck like a "serious good" player.

Am I just like Majin now?

Can I join the cool kids club because I piloted a broken meta deck with a possitive winrate to beat all the other broken decks?

I even won the mirror or into Jayce Lux.

Long and short of it I got sweaty and tried hard for the first time ever since I started LOR

And I did it from gold in 2 - 4 hour play sessions.

That means I won what 70% of games?

But with elites that ain't hard so who cares.

But at the end of the day I guess the haters were wrong this meme king can also meta king.

Sorry just built different.

Yep doesn't matter how much time passes now everyone will know a dirty casual hit masters like it was nothing at all...or maybe I'm secretly decent who knows. Maybe it's both I'm simultaneously the worst and also the best?

I can live with that the worst top 10,000 player that ever memed in lor.


I was wrong on average each server has 5,000 masters players making me one of the top 5,000 LOR players in North America.

God don't tell Redit they'll have an aneurysm, they hate my care free, casual but competitive attitude.  They thought I couldn't do it, nah you gotta try hard and use a deck tracker, and spend money on the game.

Nope top 5,000 free to play, full on casual.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    I did it with a meta deck like a "serious good" player.

    Am I just like Majin now?

    Can I join the cool kids club because I piloted a broken meta deck with a possitive winrate to beat all the other broken decks?

    I even won the mirror or into Jayce Lux.

    Long and short of it I got sweaty and tried hard for the first time ever since I started LOR

    And I did it from gold in 2 - 4 hour play sessions.

    That means I won what 70% of games?

    But with elites that ain't hard so who cares.

    But at the end of the day I guess the haters were wrong this meme king can also meta king.

    Sorry just built different.

    Yep doesn't matter how much time passes now everyone will know a dirty casual hit masters like it was nothing at all...or maybe I'm secretly decent who knows. Maybe it's both I'm simultaneously the worst and also the best?

    I can live with that the worst top 10,000 player that ever memed in lor.


    I was wrong on average each server has 5,000 masters players making me one of the top 5,000 LOR players in North America.

    God don't tell Redit they'll have an aneurysm, they hate my care free, casual but competitive attitude.  They thought I couldn't do it, nah you gotta try hard and use a deck tracker, and spend money on the game.

    Nope top 5,000 free to play, full on casual.

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