Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Turns Out I was Kinda Right About Jax

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by

So remember earlier when I was saying that there was a big statistical discrepancy on the performance of Jax across websites?

Well turns out in this instance I was right cuz that deck performs literally just fine thanks in large part to the decline of Ryze in the face of the overperforming Demacia.

As always I take these meta lists and I basically boil them down to simpler ratios because I trust in my muliganing skills to avoid duplicates.


Again here's my version of the list I prioritize more on board presence with the likes of the 3 drop because being on board is everything right now.

So yeah mastering runeterra has updated it to a 55% winrate in the last 3 days making it a strong anti meta pick as I suggested that it probably was.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    So remember earlier when I was saying that there was a big statistical discrepancy on the performance of Jax across websites?

    Well turns out in this instance I was right cuz that deck performs literally just fine thanks in large part to the decline of Ryze in the face of the overperforming Demacia.

    As always I take these meta lists and I basically boil them down to simpler ratios because I trust in my muliganing skills to avoid duplicates.


    Again here's my version of the list I prioritize more on board presence with the likes of the 3 drop because being on board is everything right now.

    So yeah mastering runeterra has updated it to a 55% winrate in the last 3 days making it a strong anti meta pick as I suggested that it probably was.

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