Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Why It's Probably Hard To Be A Pro Player RN

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by


So instead of discussing the meat of the complaints listed in this post which is fairly mundane I want to go one level deeper.

Why are many pro LOR players frustrated right now and why inversely is a casual like me playing better then I ever have before.

Quite frankly and I've spoken a bit about this before it comes down to two things card diversity and deck diversity.

As much as I joke about LOR being a two deck meta I actually don't play a single list strictly from the tiers I always make adjustments because I find that the online decks are teched too hard in certain directions and actually don't ladder terrible well in certain cases.

That would explain some frustration right there, wait why is this deck that on paper based on my years of playing this game underpeforming to my expectations.

The example given in Ryze, Ryze is a deck that does one thing and one thing only and thats stun spam.

As soon as the aggro decks started to catch up Ryze dropped from a 10% playrate to a 4% playrate.

Now did these pro players adapt and re-adjust the deck? Maybe add more followers or try different colors...not really no.

They had already satisfied themselves with creating the "best" version of the deck and just assumed their losses were the result of the game and not their ridged thought processes.

I'll say it before and I'll say it again the card pool in LOR is the largest it had ever been in the history of the game.

Those who utilize this to their advantage will succeed and those who can't will get frustrated. Right now Majin Bae the best LOR player and I share the same rank.

We are bottom of masters, not because I'm as good as him but because I neutralized our skill difference with deck diversity and card diversity.

Now when rotation hits I'm ****** but right now for this next month I'm pro and the pros are noobs.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago


    So instead of discussing the meat of the complaints listed in this post which is fairly mundane I want to go one level deeper.

    Why are many pro LOR players frustrated right now and why inversely is a casual like me playing better then I ever have before.

    Quite frankly and I've spoken a bit about this before it comes down to two things card diversity and deck diversity.

    As much as I joke about LOR being a two deck meta I actually don't play a single list strictly from the tiers I always make adjustments because I find that the online decks are teched too hard in certain directions and actually don't ladder terrible well in certain cases.

    That would explain some frustration right there, wait why is this deck that on paper based on my years of playing this game underpeforming to my expectations.

    The example given in Ryze, Ryze is a deck that does one thing and one thing only and thats stun spam.

    As soon as the aggro decks started to catch up Ryze dropped from a 10% playrate to a 4% playrate.

    Now did these pro players adapt and re-adjust the deck? Maybe add more followers or try different colors...not really no.

    They had already satisfied themselves with creating the "best" version of the deck and just assumed their losses were the result of the game and not their ridged thought processes.

    I'll say it before and I'll say it again the card pool in LOR is the largest it had ever been in the history of the game.

    Those who utilize this to their advantage will succeed and those who can't will get frustrated. Right now Majin Bae the best LOR player and I share the same rank.

    We are bottom of masters, not because I'm as good as him but because I neutralized our skill difference with deck diversity and card diversity.

    Now when rotation hits I'm ****** but right now for this next month I'm pro and the pros are noobs.

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