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My Rotation Concerns Confirmed

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by


They confirmed vile feast is being rotated ^

So before when I talked about rotation I said two things one don't rotate Champs that see a lot of play and 2 don't rotate region staples.

Turns out that's exactly what they are doing and why?

Like I get its a decent control card has been for a long time, but now spider tribal is worse, icefrost legacy is worse, all of SI control is worse.

Its decisions like this where I'm like...I just dont get it.

Maybe they feel that overall power levels of all decks are too damn high?

So just kill the staples that have over performed since vanilla?

Better get rid of vengence too then I guess?

Riot has no clue what they are doing honestly we've had two back to back amazing metas and they are caving to the "pro player" whining.

Also this is what happened to Gwent by the way ^ they started listening to their "pro" players and made it so gold cards were worse then bronze cards and nobody wanted to play anymore.

Don't listen to pros, pros or dumb. They do one thing and one thing well grind meta decks to high ranks, hell I hit masters and if I had no life I could grind to the leader boards.

It's not hard to win when you have the best deck doesn't mean you understand card design and balance trust me they are dumb.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago


    They confirmed vile feast is being rotated ^

    So before when I talked about rotation I said two things one don't rotate Champs that see a lot of play and 2 don't rotate region staples.

    Turns out that's exactly what they are doing and why?

    Like I get its a decent control card has been for a long time, but now spider tribal is worse, icefrost legacy is worse, all of SI control is worse.

    Its decisions like this where I'm like...I just dont get it.

    Maybe they feel that overall power levels of all decks are too damn high?

    So just kill the staples that have over performed since vanilla?

    Better get rid of vengence too then I guess?

    Riot has no clue what they are doing honestly we've had two back to back amazing metas and they are caving to the "pro player" whining.

    Also this is what happened to Gwent by the way ^ they started listening to their "pro" players and made it so gold cards were worse then bronze cards and nobody wanted to play anymore.

    Don't listen to pros, pros or dumb. They do one thing and one thing well grind meta decks to high ranks, hell I hit masters and if I had no life I could grind to the leader boards.

    It's not hard to win when you have the best deck doesn't mean you understand card design and balance trust me they are dumb.

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