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Is This The Most Competitive Temo Brew?

Submitted 1 year, 6 months ago by

Don't get me wrong it's not great into elites and Annie, cuz you know hand vommit is cheaper then removal.

But man into everything else this deck puts in the work and it's my favorite list going into the expansion for that perfect balance between memes and competitive play styles.

1. Removal heavy makes the deck durable and responsive

2  follower curve gives you some resilience with chump blockers

3. Lots of burn in case your shrome play patterns get responded to

4. Otk combo obviously your primary win conditions of doubling traps or procing 5 cards deep

5. Easy catlyn level for an additional burst wincon

6. Lots of puffcap peddler fuel

7. The one of hexcore foundry is just perfect more than one is a liability and you have your draw card anyways

I gotta say I'm proud of this you can measure the weight of an LOR player by his Temo and my furry bastard is strong.

---expansion talk---

Where does flashbomb peddler fit in? He might actually exist in a different deck where you also run the 4 mana card and now you're not a combo deck you're full on flashbomb control.

And then you're combining it with a champion that likes free removal maybe Kindred? Maybe something different who knows. There is an interesting world where you hit a critical mass of flashbombs to hard lock opponents into ladros atrocity. That would be funny.


Okay I'm gonna say this again my brews I easily go 30 games over two weeks against everything.

Jamming a bunch of aggro and burn into a list without cohesion doesn't make a deck that you can actually play into any relavent matchups where the opponent isn't drawing you cards.

Like if your deck is good if you're confident in its performance actually play it! That's the only test. Not oh I one off memed and that matters somehow in your own mind.

Good decks are playable into the meta for months and months on end. My diamond dragon deck has seen play since the last expansion, I modify I tweak but the deck stays the same, do your brews see play on ladder or anywhere actually outside of a one day binge?

I even see players mirroring my decks now because they are confused why I keep winning. Well be confused you're not me, you never will be but you can try to emulate or counter me if you want. It just won't work for long.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 6 months ago

    Don't get me wrong it's not great into elites and Annie, cuz you know hand vommit is cheaper then removal.

    But man into everything else this deck puts in the work and it's my favorite list going into the expansion for that perfect balance between memes and competitive play styles.

    1. Removal heavy makes the deck durable and responsive

    2  follower curve gives you some resilience with chump blockers

    3. Lots of burn in case your shrome play patterns get responded to

    4. Otk combo obviously your primary win conditions of doubling traps or procing 5 cards deep

    5. Easy catlyn level for an additional burst wincon

    6. Lots of puffcap peddler fuel

    7. The one of hexcore foundry is just perfect more than one is a liability and you have your draw card anyways

    I gotta say I'm proud of this you can measure the weight of an LOR player by his Temo and my furry bastard is strong.

    ---expansion talk---

    Where does flashbomb peddler fit in? He might actually exist in a different deck where you also run the 4 mana card and now you're not a combo deck you're full on flashbomb control.

    And then you're combining it with a champion that likes free removal maybe Kindred? Maybe something different who knows. There is an interesting world where you hit a critical mass of flashbombs to hard lock opponents into ladros atrocity. That would be funny.


    Okay I'm gonna say this again my brews I easily go 30 games over two weeks against everything.

    Jamming a bunch of aggro and burn into a list without cohesion doesn't make a deck that you can actually play into any relavent matchups where the opponent isn't drawing you cards.

    Like if your deck is good if you're confident in its performance actually play it! That's the only test. Not oh I one off memed and that matters somehow in your own mind.

    Good decks are playable into the meta for months and months on end. My diamond dragon deck has seen play since the last expansion, I modify I tweak but the deck stays the same, do your brews see play on ladder or anywhere actually outside of a one day binge?

    I even see players mirroring my decks now because they are confused why I keep winning. Well be confused you're not me, you never will be but you can try to emulate or counter me if you want. It just won't work for long.

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