Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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New Champ Analysis - Eternal Scale

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by

There's a bit of an ongoing trend you will see with the new Champs where their power lies in their base form more so than their level up condition.

First up is Sett - really strong as a natural upgrade on shen Fiora, because he has natural barrier built into his kit.

So its possible to challenge on the left, level shen on the attack, proc your barrier dudes to boost attack all at once, very cool.

Samara - obvious upgrade for pirate aggro, enabling you to say play a 1 drop, play Samara, and on 3 ping and play 2 plunder 1 drops which depending on your opponents deck is very hard to stop.

Jack - the problem with Jack isn't Jack, he's actually pretty decent as a card, but all of the coin support is actually in Ionia not bilgewater which makes Jack very difficult to run in a flexible way, like say ramp Jack which could be a thing otherwise.

I hate to say it but Jack should be a runeterra champion with the simple text that says I can run all coin cards, problem solved. But again you would run into rotation problems that way.

-----huge edit----

Sorry I lied jack Trundle is broken not only does ice pillar turbo level him, of you spend 12 mana on dance dance combo, it counts as 12 mana spent to instant level 10/10 jack.

Then you can play ice pillars after for 8 points of free attack.

Isn't eternal 10 times more interesting than standard where smart players can just break the game in half?

Remember if everything is broken nothing is thats how modern works in mtg

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    There's a bit of an ongoing trend you will see with the new Champs where their power lies in their base form more so than their level up condition.

    First up is Sett - really strong as a natural upgrade on shen Fiora, because he has natural barrier built into his kit.

    So its possible to challenge on the left, level shen on the attack, proc your barrier dudes to boost attack all at once, very cool.

    Samara - obvious upgrade for pirate aggro, enabling you to say play a 1 drop, play Samara, and on 3 ping and play 2 plunder 1 drops which depending on your opponents deck is very hard to stop.

    Jack - the problem with Jack isn't Jack, he's actually pretty decent as a card, but all of the coin support is actually in Ionia not bilgewater which makes Jack very difficult to run in a flexible way, like say ramp Jack which could be a thing otherwise.

    I hate to say it but Jack should be a runeterra champion with the simple text that says I can run all coin cards, problem solved. But again you would run into rotation problems that way.

    -----huge edit----

    Sorry I lied jack Trundle is broken not only does ice pillar turbo level him, of you spend 12 mana on dance dance combo, it counts as 12 mana spent to instant level 10/10 jack.

    Then you can play ice pillars after for 8 points of free attack.

    Isn't eternal 10 times more interesting than standard where smart players can just break the game in half?

    Remember if everything is broken nothing is thats how modern works in mtg

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