Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Proof Standard Isn't The "Only Format"

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by

So Jack one of the worst champions in standard currently actually shares new dialog with Trundle.

Now 90% of players will never experience this content, and they will never know that the new Champs were actually built with rotated Champs not only "in mind" but literally based content around their interactions.

I'm curious to see how much dialog there is with rotated Champs and new Champs, because pro players are making it sound like Riot didn't balance the new content with existing content in mind.

But clearly they did, Jack was always meant to team up with Trundle due to the massive synergy inherent between them.

Now standard players will never know this interaction was not only intended but is genuinely amazing.

Just another reason why eternal is the real LOR in a growing list of reasons.

----big rant---

I gotta be honest I'm a little pissed that pro players like Majin gutted half the game so.they can have an easy ladder climb.

Because not only have they messed with the pre-existing core experience, they literally neutered Champs pre-release!

Jack was a champion designed for Trundle and ramp, and pro players decided pre-release that this archetype was irritating and killed Jack before he could be played.

Thats balls man, that's giant fucking.balls to say stfu Riot I know you designed this champ with Trundle in mind and recorded dialog and everything but I'm pro player x y z and I think ramp is annoying.

Thats not an objective standpoint, here's an objective standpoint make eternal everygreen so I can play the game the way the devs fucking.designed it.


  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    So Jack one of the worst champions in standard currently actually shares new dialog with Trundle.

    Now 90% of players will never experience this content, and they will never know that the new Champs were actually built with rotated Champs not only "in mind" but literally based content around their interactions.

    I'm curious to see how much dialog there is with rotated Champs and new Champs, because pro players are making it sound like Riot didn't balance the new content with existing content in mind.

    But clearly they did, Jack was always meant to team up with Trundle due to the massive synergy inherent between them.

    Now standard players will never know this interaction was not only intended but is genuinely amazing.

    Just another reason why eternal is the real LOR in a growing list of reasons.

    ----big rant---

    I gotta be honest I'm a little pissed that pro players like Majin gutted half the game so.they can have an easy ladder climb.

    Because not only have they messed with the pre-existing core experience, they literally neutered Champs pre-release!

    Jack was a champion designed for Trundle and ramp, and pro players decided pre-release that this archetype was irritating and killed Jack before he could be played.

    Thats balls man, that's giant fucking.balls to say stfu Riot I know you designed this champ with Trundle in mind and recorded dialog and everything but I'm pro player x y z and I think ramp is annoying.

    Thats not an objective standpoint, here's an objective standpoint make eternal everygreen so I can play the game the way the devs fucking.designed it.


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