Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Shells Vs Tech

Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by

So in card games there is what is commonly referred to as a deck shell.

Essentially the central theme of your deck that let's you win games.

It consists of things like synergy, a curve, draw for deck thinning, wincons, creatures, and legendaries.

Then you have your tech, your answers to the current meta game, they can be landmarks (artifacts), or spells, or creatures with aura effects or on play abilities.

The mistake I commonly see in eternal is that people either build a deck with 100% tech or 100% shell they can't mix the two.

Lurk is lurk and does lurk things

This is a ping deck it pings and does ping things.

In reality you have one handful of tech, and one handful of shell and not a lot of laddering flexibility.

When I build my decks I try to be as flexible as possible.

Yes this is a ramp deck but it has 3 avalanches, 3 blighted, 3 harsh winds, and 3 tavern keepers.

Thats the tech ^ but that doesn't stop me from turbo leveling asol on mana 7

So if you want to build a p and z ping spam deck, then your "shell" is Annie Ezreal sometimes splashes Katarina.

Includes 3 conservatory, and 3 broadmanes for wincons.

Even if you're trying to build something original you need to follow the "shell" and tech formula.

Too much shell in eternal and your deck is inflexibile, too much tech and now you insta lose certain ladder matchups.

The key to being good at winning in a large cardpool is not mastering matchups or win tables its being able to go into 90% of games with confidence that you will win regardless of the 500 cards your opponent might use.

Flexibility + Adaptability

Thats what makes me king 👑 

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago

    So in card games there is what is commonly referred to as a deck shell.

    Essentially the central theme of your deck that let's you win games.

    It consists of things like synergy, a curve, draw for deck thinning, wincons, creatures, and legendaries.

    Then you have your tech, your answers to the current meta game, they can be landmarks (artifacts), or spells, or creatures with aura effects or on play abilities.

    The mistake I commonly see in eternal is that people either build a deck with 100% tech or 100% shell they can't mix the two.

    Lurk is lurk and does lurk things

    This is a ping deck it pings and does ping things.

    In reality you have one handful of tech, and one handful of shell and not a lot of laddering flexibility.

    When I build my decks I try to be as flexible as possible.

    Yes this is a ramp deck but it has 3 avalanches, 3 blighted, 3 harsh winds, and 3 tavern keepers.

    Thats the tech ^ but that doesn't stop me from turbo leveling asol on mana 7

    So if you want to build a p and z ping spam deck, then your "shell" is Annie Ezreal sometimes splashes Katarina.

    Includes 3 conservatory, and 3 broadmanes for wincons.

    Even if you're trying to build something original you need to follow the "shell" and tech formula.

    Too much shell in eternal and your deck is inflexibile, too much tech and now you insta lose certain ladder matchups.

    The key to being good at winning in a large cardpool is not mastering matchups or win tables its being able to go into 90% of games with confidence that you will win regardless of the 500 cards your opponent might use.

    Flexibility + Adaptability

    Thats what makes me king 👑 

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago

    Pirrotte with Swain confirmed pretty good now remove all the garbage aggro cards from that list and include a boat control shell and youre halfway there.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago

    If you're gonna run my deck just run my deck it's better.

    Also elites kinda bad now eh?

    Cool spider deck bro let me know when it does something

    Cool shromes deck or something?

    Idk even know this is all jank to me

    Cool tripple Rumble deck bro but where did they go?

    I can do this all day

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