Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Other Reveals I'm Really Digging For Eternal

Submitted 1 year ago by

Last time we talked about Ionia being broken boo but yeah for those players.

Let's talk about some good stuff

1. Dragon Prince Grinzo - holly molly my little mermaid is gonna turbo so god damn fast. She already uses those bilgewater summon 1 mana creature spells now she attunes each time? Meeeeep

2. Snowy razor claw, I don't care I like this card. Gangplank Sejuani is such a boring deck now you can try to slip in a little late game value if you want. 

3. Neeko - good origin I don't care how strong she is, she let's you build new deck types thats what origins should do

4. Portal scholar - I hate Nora decks but this is exactly what she needed. The deck had a weakness on the 2 mana to 5 mana gap and this fits that perfectly

5. Age of dragons - targon freijord ramp was already my favorite version of ramp and this card is awesome...but Ionia will make it unplayable till nerfs

6. Sump monument - if you give your nexus tough does sump monument make you immortal? Kinda fun to play around with as a meme for highlights

7. Epic scrap traction - you guys know this card is great not much more to say

8. Siren song - 4 mana and now your husks can't be pinged not bad a bit expensive

9. Shiers - please stop giving hallowed support they don't need it it's like the most ubiquitous and powerful archetype in the game as far as keywords go

Overall I'm glad the set isn't just hey let's print the best Ionia cards ever on top of giving them their own tavern keeper last expansion.

At first thats exactly what it will be but when the dust settles we will be able to play a new Zoo archetype.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year ago

    Last time we talked about Ionia being broken boo but yeah for those players.

    Let's talk about some good stuff

    1. Dragon Prince Grinzo - holly molly my little mermaid is gonna turbo so god damn fast. She already uses those bilgewater summon 1 mana creature spells now she attunes each time? Meeeeep

    2. Snowy razor claw, I don't care I like this card. Gangplank Sejuani is such a boring deck now you can try to slip in a little late game value if you want. 

    3. Neeko - good origin I don't care how strong she is, she let's you build new deck types thats what origins should do

    4. Portal scholar - I hate Nora decks but this is exactly what she needed. The deck had a weakness on the 2 mana to 5 mana gap and this fits that perfectly

    5. Age of dragons - targon freijord ramp was already my favorite version of ramp and this card is awesome...but Ionia will make it unplayable till nerfs

    6. Sump monument - if you give your nexus tough does sump monument make you immortal? Kinda fun to play around with as a meme for highlights

    7. Epic scrap traction - you guys know this card is great not much more to say

    8. Siren song - 4 mana and now your husks can't be pinged not bad a bit expensive

    9. Shiers - please stop giving hallowed support they don't need it it's like the most ubiquitous and powerful archetype in the game as far as keywords go

    Overall I'm glad the set isn't just hey let's print the best Ionia cards ever on top of giving them their own tavern keeper last expansion.

    At first thats exactly what it will be but when the dust settles we will be able to play a new Zoo archetype.

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