Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Reviewing The day 1 decks Lor Expansion

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by

So let's preface by saying these are standard  decks so options are more limited, with that out of the way lets start with the comments:


1. gnar ambush transform - basically just splashing for witch doctor and gnar, this feels kinda bad as someone with experience with this archetype. There's a lot of cards that don't really belong 

- pie toss why?

- concologist why?

- grandfather fae why?

so this is kind of what happens when good players try to play memes, they have to much trouble divorcing themselves from the "good cards" and embracing the good "deck theme"

So what you end up with is a confused beater deck with random pings and desert duel, again yes it's a standard deck which is why I hate standard, cuz I can guarantee this is not how this builds properly in eternal

2 swain illoi

- whaaaat this isn't even a new deck are you guys even trying at this point?

- like just replace yourself with another LOR expert at this point yeeeesh

3 Nora Neeko

- so once again the pro players are struggling to divorce themselves from good cards

- umm how do we play the new pheasant lady?

- shit I don't know just jam the zoo cards in a nora shell

- wait doesn't Nora already generate infinite board value and isn't that anti-synergistic with a tribal deck?

- don't ask me maybe she'll roll a random sub type or something

- what's the chances of that happening?

- idk 10% wait what were we doing again?

4. Fizz samara

- also not a new deck skiiiiiiiiiiip

5. poro deck

- okay you guys might be new to poros so I will excuse you

- but generally the most efficient way to run poros is to only run the goooooooooood one aka lonely

- and then just generate the rest

6. Kaisa 

- not a new deck

7. Temple frostbite midrange

- this one is actually good because all they had to do was take an established shell and jam one new card in it

okaaay so the lack of meming experience here is really evident here, we have 3 new champs and I would argue that all 3 were built grossly wrong like waaaaaay off likes miles off the mark

but that's good because when the set releases I can share the good versions of these decks for eternal :)

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    So let's preface by saying these are standard  decks so options are more limited, with that out of the way lets start with the comments:


    1. gnar ambush transform - basically just splashing for witch doctor and gnar, this feels kinda bad as someone with experience with this archetype. There's a lot of cards that don't really belong 

    - pie toss why?

    - concologist why?

    - grandfather fae why?

    so this is kind of what happens when good players try to play memes, they have to much trouble divorcing themselves from the "good cards" and embracing the good "deck theme"

    So what you end up with is a confused beater deck with random pings and desert duel, again yes it's a standard deck which is why I hate standard, cuz I can guarantee this is not how this builds properly in eternal

    2 swain illoi

    - whaaaat this isn't even a new deck are you guys even trying at this point?

    - like just replace yourself with another LOR expert at this point yeeeesh

    3 Nora Neeko

    - so once again the pro players are struggling to divorce themselves from good cards

    - umm how do we play the new pheasant lady?

    - shit I don't know just jam the zoo cards in a nora shell

    - wait doesn't Nora already generate infinite board value and isn't that anti-synergistic with a tribal deck?

    - don't ask me maybe she'll roll a random sub type or something

    - what's the chances of that happening?

    - idk 10% wait what were we doing again?

    4. Fizz samara

    - also not a new deck skiiiiiiiiiiip

    5. poro deck

    - okay you guys might be new to poros so I will excuse you

    - but generally the most efficient way to run poros is to only run the goooooooooood one aka lonely

    - and then just generate the rest

    6. Kaisa 

    - not a new deck

    7. Temple frostbite midrange

    - this one is actually good because all they had to do was take an established shell and jam one new card in it

    okaaay so the lack of meming experience here is really evident here, we have 3 new champs and I would argue that all 3 were built grossly wrong like waaaaaay off likes miles off the mark

    but that's good because when the set releases I can share the good versions of these decks for eternal :)

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    If we want to talk about why my memes are generally superior to the memes people think are good in eternal

    It comes down to flexibility

    So look at something like timlines supposedly a top tier deck or something

    It does one thing and one thing only play beef, and yes it's big beef with keywords and equipment but thats all it is

    My meme plays beef, has a curve, has removal, has burst buffs, has an endgame combo wincon. You see a themed meme will always beat a competitive meme 

    Thats just how it is in eternal

    In standard it's the opposite

    Another way to phrase that is people think way too follower centric when they should be thinking a little more champ centric

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    I think at the end of the day Swim kind of had the right idea when it came to this game:

    - you need to build a poro deck do you a just jam an agressive follower curve and call it a day or do you meme with iceborn legacy and elusive poros? The answer at the time was the road less traveled

    - you need to build a shadow burn deck do you just run pnz with a bunch of pings or do you run phantom pranksters with ephemerals? The right answer is the road less traveled

    Thats me I'm the new Swim offering good decks that are strong not because they are competitive but because they lean into what the deck is intended to be

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago


    This is how I think timelines should actually play.

    Actually it's a ezreal ping deck where you have this much greater removal flexibility with banana blaster and you have the rizu value.

    Where you get the 5 drop and the 7/3 which is huge value

    So why do I think this is better than just spam beef aka a worse Jax deck?

    Because timelines is a shell with infinite flexibility and boiling that down to slam beef is dumb

    How do you beat bot spam with 0 interaction?

    Just hope to God you high roll your 3 drop 4 drop and win?

    That seems dumb, this is probably a case where a ping spam shell with timelines is actually appropriate as opposed to the answer to every question

    Quick update zaunite bests kitty because you can discard equipments or extra timelines etc

    ----after testing---

    A 4 mana body that draws a card, provides a mana reduction on a pokey stick that also draws you a card and then transforms into a 7/7? Yes please much better than the meta list.

    I'm pretty good at this meming thing eh?

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    I'll provide a post after expansion drops with all the best decks

    Gotta spend all my free to play dust on something :P

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