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Deckbuider Filters after Publishing a Deck

Submitted 5 years, 8 months ago by

I know that while deckbuilding, we can filter specific targets to look for what we want. It would be great if we can use these filters after a deck is published, too. If I wasn't clear enough, here's the example: I made an Elemental deck and I want to highlight Elemental minions on this page, not on Deckbuilder page. Like, when I choose Tribe as Elemental on this page (and not on Deckbuilder page), Hearthstation should highlight the Elementals here to see which Elementals I added for convenience. As color, maybe light orange would be great, just like on Hearthpwn.

Come to think of filters, while deckbuilding, I noticed there is no "in-between" or "comparison" filters. As example, I want to filter the attack of minions between 1 and 3. In Hearthstone, it's done with "attack:1-3" (without quotes), but not here. Please, moderators and administrators, implement both these options which would help us a lot.

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 8 months ago

    I know that while deckbuilding, we can filter specific targets to look for what we want. It would be great if we can use these filters after a deck is published, too. If I wasn't clear enough, here's the example: I made an Elemental deck and I want to highlight Elemental minions on this page, not on Deckbuilder page. Like, when I choose Tribe as Elemental on this page (and not on Deckbuilder page), Hearthstation should highlight the Elementals here to see which Elementals I added for convenience. As color, maybe light orange would be great, just like on Hearthpwn.

    Come to think of filters, while deckbuilding, I noticed there is no "in-between" or "comparison" filters. As example, I want to filter the attack of minions between 1 and 3. In Hearthstone, it's done with "attack:1-3" (without quotes), but not here. Please, moderators and administrators, implement both these options which would help us a lot.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2025 3142 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 5 years, 8 months ago

    So to start with, I really want to add in powerful search features like the ones we have in Hearthstone. Doing cost, attack, and health queries are definitely going to happen and for people that are deckbuilding wizards, I feel like it would give them a good amount of power.

    I'd also really like to find a way to allow people to add cards to decks faster. If, for example, you were filling out the search form and a single card was the result, hitting enter should add a copy of it to your deck. This desire actually stems from years of painfully entering hundreds of tournament decks and it taking forever to transcribe lists into a deckbuilder. Luckily we see deck codes quite often now in esports stuff which makes the whole transcription process take no amount of time compared to the old way, but it could again be a powerful tool for the deckbuilding elite.

    As for your first request though, I think that's a very interesting idea and it would be cool to implement. Getting the interface perfect for it though would be key. My first instinct is we should have a single searchable field below the list which when input, would highlight cards that match that input. Typing in "elem" for example should not only highlight cards with the elemental tribe but also those which contain "elem" in the card text. That's just my initial reaction on how to go about implementing a feature like that though, there may be a better way and hey maybe we could even iterate on it.

    Also, while on the subject of feature stuff for decks / deckbuilder, I just want to make it known that I want to allow people to "draw cards" on at least the deck pages so you can get a feel for a deck without taking it into game. Getting an idea of what cards you can get in your opening hand is a nice little tool to have and could even help with the deckbuilder experience too provided we find a nice place to put it :D

    Lots of work to be done on both those features.

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  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks with the feedback, Flux. I look forward to see new features. Have a nice day.

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