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Content of ads

Submitted 4 years, 6 months ago by


First things first, I am _not_ complaining about the existence (or of even the amount of) ads!

Recently whilst browsing through your website, I noticed a weird trend in the ads that got displayed to me, as a lot of them were advertising books from a certain publisher in Germany ("Kopp Verlag") that has a.... Not so nice reputation.

I'm not going into my issues with this publisher any further as this might (sadly enough) start some political discussions which (in my humble opinion) do not need to take place in the forum's for a card game. 

I assume that you do not have much of a decision on what your ad provider displays to me personally, but it puts your website, with good content which I like to visit regularly since it started in a sort of bad light... So... I don't know just wanted to let you guys know and maybe you can talk to your ad Provider to stop advertising right wing literature on you website? ^^"


PS.: So far it actually only happens on this site...

  • MurphysLaw's Avatar
    155 9 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago


    First things first, I am _not_ complaining about the existence (or of even the amount of) ads!

    Recently whilst browsing through your website, I noticed a weird trend in the ads that got displayed to me, as a lot of them were advertising books from a certain publisher in Germany ("Kopp Verlag") that has a.... Not so nice reputation.

    I'm not going into my issues with this publisher any further as this might (sadly enough) start some political discussions which (in my humble opinion) do not need to take place in the forum's for a card game. 

    I assume that you do not have much of a decision on what your ad provider displays to me personally, but it puts your website, with good content which I like to visit regularly since it started in a sort of bad light... So... I don't know just wanted to let you guys know and maybe you can talk to your ad Provider to stop advertising right wing literature on you website? ^^"


    PS.: So far it actually only happens on this site...

  • Mitsuba's Avatar
    Child of Galakrond 170 2 Posts Joined 12/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I can confirm this and it’s really disturbing.

    But I’m pretty sure that’s just something OOC isn’t aware of and more than sure that they wouldn’t want these kind of ads to show up on their website in the first place. 

    Hopefully there’s an easy way to straight up ban these questionable ads.

  • Thonson's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1740 1733 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I just assumed these ads were showing up because they only wanted ads that loaded quickly and didn't bog down the site.  Hence why these low brow, and maybe even propaganda type of ads you're talking about are showing up, because they put out low cost and low quality ads.  But I must admit I hadn't paid attention to the publisher or provider of the ads, or even the content most of the time.

    I personally wouldn't mind seeing some higher quality ads from better advertisers popping up instead of these ads that are mostly text.  First, because the low quality ads actually make the site look cheap and low quality to me.  Second, OoC would likely get more revenue from having better ads on their site.

    Last thing I'll add, I used to work in digital advertising for a large publisher, and if the site doesn't have enough established traffic, or if a publisher or ad serving platform does not yet know what the audience for the site is, that could also be a reason for seeing these types of ads right now.  Because higher profile advertisers usually have layers of targeting data added to their ad campaigns, unless they are buying out specific ad space on a particular website.  While again, if someone is spreading propaganda might just throw their ad anywhere they can get it.

    I did see a really nice Best Buy ad on this very forums page though as I'm typing this response, so maybe things will be changing soon if my last point is actually why we're seeing these ads you're referring to and we'll start seeing more mainstream ad placements.

    Quick!  Someone give me something clever to write here.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3108 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks guys! This is exactly what we have the feedback forum available for, I want to make sure we're giving everyone as good an experience as possible. I've got ahead and banned the domain from advertising on the site anymore, it may take some time to go through.

    Thonson: We are actually trying to serve less intrusive ads than most sites which is why a lot of them end up being text-based. You're right, we could definitely be making more money if we opted for more flashy stuff. There's a lot of stuff that needs to get fixed up with ads though before we  make an attempt at that route.

    Personally, I've been getting a LOT of magic ads. I think Wizards is trying to tell me something.

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  • MurphysLaw's Avatar
    155 9 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Wow thanks for that reply, from the current climate on the internet I was prepared for the worst :) I wouldn't mind swapping ads for "die Hitler Lüge" (or whatever that was called) for some magic ;)

    I was actually developing a conspiracy theory that Google wants to take revenge on me for my cookie settings.... ;)

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