Explain Nexus Damage PLZ
Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by
I have been playing for about 2 hours and I am having a hard time understanding the attack/defending and what goes towards damaging the nexus
For example:
I have a 5/5 and I am attacking a 2/3
My 5 attack will beat the opposing players 3 defense with +2 spare.
Does the +2 above the opposing player's card not deal damage to nexus?
To confirm with the scenario above. Is the only way to deal damage to the enemy nexus requires you to have more cards on the field than the opposing team so the "extra" cards attack the nexus directly with the attack/defense only localized to the opposing card?
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I have been playing for about 2 hours and I am having a hard time understanding the attack/defending and what goes towards damaging the nexus
For example:
I have a 5/5 and I am attacking a 2/3
My 5 attack will beat the opposing players 3 defense with +2 spare.
Does the +2 above the opposing player's card not deal damage to nexus?
To confirm with the scenario above. Is the only way to deal damage to the enemy nexus requires you to have more cards on the field than the opposing team so the "extra" cards attack the nexus directly with the attack/defense only localized to the opposing card?
Excess damage does not carry over to the nexus unless the attacking creature has Overwhelm such as Captain Farron
Its the same concept as MTG and their keyword trample
Elusive allies are a good way to damage the nexus directly.
This may be a silly question, but did you play the tutorials? It might be a good idea to revisit the ones that deal with concepts you are still struggling with.
As others have pointed out, technically there are other ways to damage nexus (overwhelm, spells) plus ways to make your allies harder to block (elusive, fearsome), but realistically most games will come down to board control and value-trading. For instance, in the scenario you described, you still have a 5/3 in play while your opponent has lost his ally. Now on the next round, he has to be careful who he attacks with, because you can trade very favorably. Say for instance they attacked with a 5/5 without quick attack: you could block it with so that both died, and then your opponent lost 2 allies for your 1.
In general: try to focus the combination of making your army strong and their army weak. If you do that, you'll whittle away their resources to the point where they don't have anything left to block with, and then you'll just crush their nexus.
I don't know of any basic strategy videos specific to Runeterra, but until someone makes some, it might not be a bad idea for people new to the genre to check out basic strategy videos for Magic and Hearthstone. The rules may be slightly different, but the core concepts of board control translate very well.
When I first started Hearthstone, Trump's Teachings changed my life. (Trump the streamer, not the other one.)