Exhibition rewards (Optimal to retire early?)
Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by
I got 7 wins in my first trial. From everything I can find it seems like the second trial is simply a redo and your better result is counted, but has anyone come across that not being the case? (eg. Trial 1 6 wins, Trial 2 5 wins giving a higher reward than Trial 1 7 wins, Trial 2 retire). I like exhibition but would rather play constructed as I find it more fun, so I don't really want to play the second trial if it's for no benefit collection wise.
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I got 7 wins in my first trial. From everything I can find it seems like the second trial is simply a redo and your better result is counted, but has anyone come across that not being the case? (eg. Trial 1 6 wins, Trial 2 5 wins giving a higher reward than Trial 1 7 wins, Trial 2 retire). I like exhibition but would rather play constructed as I find it more fun, so I don't really want to play the second trial if it's for no benefit collection wise.
You get up to 2000 bonus XP at the end of each trial, so it is worthwhile to complete both trials in an Expedition.
The amount is based on wins, so you should not concede games just to get the second trial over with.
I assume you mean "Expedition". ;-) My understanding is that you are correct and there is no advantage to doing a 2nd trial if your first had 7 wins (or its almost Tuesday and you haven't played all 3 Expeditions yet, because having 3 complete sub-optimal expeditions is better than having 1-2 optimal)--however I'm a newbie too so I'm interested to hear if someone more knowledgeable can answer better.
EDIT: see FortyDust's comment above. I started writing mine before they posted but finished afterwards 'cuz I'm slow like that. :-P