Just thinking, apropos-of-nothing, of specific health break-points to think about in LoR. Meta's still in flux, of course, but there are enough trends emerging that we can think of:
1 - Vile Feast
2 - Mystic Shot, Fleetfeather Tracker, Laurent Protege
3 - Black Spear, Grasp, Fiora
[3] - Culling Strike; Power not health
4+ - Ehhh...?
8 - Major Ledros breakpoint - >8 health means four plays required to kill you, guaranteeing you two attack rounds
Obviously I'm not being in any way comprehensive here, and am mostly trying to stick to the main meta points (e.g. Get Excited isn't on there because Jinx is basically absent from the meta so far)... but I'm still confident I'm missing stuff. Thoughts?
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Just thinking, apropos-of-nothing, of specific health break-points to think about in LoR. Meta's still in flux, of course, but there are enough trends emerging that we can think of:
1 - Vile Feast
2 - Mystic Shot, Fleetfeather Tracker, Laurent Protege
3 - Black Spear, Grasp, Fiora
[3] - Culling Strike; Power not health
4+ - Ehhh...?
8 - Major Ledros breakpoint - >8 health means four plays required to kill you, guaranteeing you two attack rounds
Obviously I'm not being in any way comprehensive here, and am mostly trying to stick to the main meta points (e.g. Get Excited isn't on there because Jinx is basically absent from the meta so far)... but I'm still confident I'm missing stuff. Thoughts?
I see you when you're sleeping; I'm gone before you wake
I'm not as good as turn 4 Barnes; But I'm at least a Twilight Drake
Were you drunk when you made this thread?
I see you when you're sleeping; I'm gone before you wake
I'm not as good as turn 4 Barnes; But I'm at least a Twilight Drake
What abotu Vengeance and Culling Strike
Also all the Frostbite combos
I also don't get what 8 is supposed to mean. There are plenty of ways to kill minions with that amount of health, especially considering stuff like Single Combat, Whirling Death, Atrocity, etc.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
The eight health breakpoint is Nexus health. If you have >=8 Nexus health, it'll take min. five Ledros plays to kill you (8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1 -> 0) meaning if it's first played on the tail-end of your attacking round you'll have two attacking rounds (the second of which needs to be taken immediately) to end the game before you auto-lose. Important to think about when assigning early/mid game blockers against SI decks.
Added Culling Strike (though less relevant as you have less control over your units' attack than their health - you can't mitigate it by choosing trades). Vengeance has no breakpoints aside from mana, and nor does Frostbite, so not sure what I'd add them under I'm afraid.
I see you when you're sleeping; I'm gone before you wake
I'm not as good as turn 4 Barnes; But I'm at least a Twilight Drake
As you said, the metagame hasn't really solidified, so I don't think there's too much point in trying to nail down which cards to look out for. Maybe Chempunk Shredder will be the next big thing in Piltover & Zaun decks, so that's be a 1-health breakpoint. Similar story for Death Lotus if self-damage decks somehow rise to the top. You could basically add all direct-damage effects and Challenger units to the list. Unless you want to update the list constantly to reflect what's being played the most at the moment.
noxian guillotine and the kill all less than 5 attack units
I do agree, but wasn't intending on making this a permanent thing. More just an aide to my own thinking around the current meta and what to play around/build around - and if it helps someone else, cool.
Shredder is a good point though actually - unlike a lot of similar cards, that can actually be a major play-around if it hit a bigger spot in the meta. Which, in turn, is likely if token-centric decks push forward. Hmm.
I see you when you're sleeping; I'm gone before you wake
I'm not as good as turn 4 Barnes; But I'm at least a Twilight Drake
Shredders too expensive imo to really rear its head in meta.