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Looking for help/guidance on Expedition mode

Submitted 4 years, 6 months ago by

after a completely abysmal performance of going 0-2 and then 1-2 and facing a lot of constructed decks (last opponent had Zed/Hecarim, no lie, and Hecarim straight on curve)...I turn to you guys for help or guidance.   It just seems to me that drafting curve and synergy isn't enough and that there's quite a bit of rng/luck involved.....but then again I'm often completely wrong. 




This is not a thinly veiled salt thread; I am legitimately asking for help, please do not downvote this thread.

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    after a completely abysmal performance of going 0-2 and then 1-2 and facing a lot of constructed decks (last opponent had Zed/Hecarim, no lie, and Hecarim straight on curve)...I turn to you guys for help or guidance.   It just seems to me that drafting curve and synergy isn't enough and that there's quite a bit of rng/luck involved.....but then again I'm often completely wrong. 




    This is not a thinly veiled salt thread; I am legitimately asking for help, please do not downvote this thread.

    worst community ever

  • greenhatjynx78's Avatar
    Birthday Pikachu 405 172 Posts Joined 01/26/2020
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    i made this thread https://outof.cards/forums/legends-of-runeterra/runeterra-general/2889-help-with-expeditions hope  it helps also this vid helped me a  lot.  https://youtu.be/RfDjkOehk5k

    good luck and have fun :D

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    In Expeditions, you can often have better than constructed decks. Dont think of it as HS Arena style.

    The drafting format with alternating Wild/Synergy picks makes this especially potent. Pay attention to what buckets you're being offered, not just the cards. Your first two champion buckets often decide more than half of the cards (buckets) ur offered down the line.

    That being said, if you start picking a certain bucket in WIld Picks, you can shift the direction of the buckets offered the more you pick the same one, if for example you just wanted the initial champion for itself, but dont much care about the synergy in its bucket.

    Lately, i often gravitate very heavilly towards Frozen Solid bucket when offered as a Wild pick whenever i play Freljord (since it has most Frostbite cards), even tho i might not have started with it. So after a few rounds, it spills over into Synergy picks as well.

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  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks both you!

    worst community ever

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Is mushroom the new hotness?   Should I be trying to draft Teemo?  I just lost 4 in a row to mushroom decks.  I don't know if it's simply my god awful picks, bad rng, if Teemo is legit good, or if I'm just extremely bad. 


    do you have any other links???

    worst community ever

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From kaladin

    Is mushroom the new hotness?   Should I be trying to draft Teemo?  I just lost 4 in a row to mushroom decks.  I don't know if it's simply my god awful picks, bad rng, if Teemo is legit good, or if I'm just extremely bad. 


    do you have any other links???

    I have never lost to a Teemo deck yet. I came close few times, but what you cant do is to sit around and drag the game out, that way you are sure to lose. They need to throw away tempo by playing puffcaps, so try to capitalize on that and be more aggressive. I saw your screen in Salt Thread, yeah Round 11, that is taking it pretty long. I guess vs Freljord deck that just frostbites you over and over you might not have much choice, but like i said, you cant get it that far, if you can help it.

    Im not saying Teemo decks cant work, you can actually make better ones in expeditions than in constructed, but they are usually too slow to kill you, unless you are very unlucky.

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  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 990 1489 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    With my experience, i can suggest that try not to break your Synergy picks and try to make your wild picks same or related with your synergy picks.

    For example, If you go for Fiora and Shen; try to pick "Shield Wall" in your synergy picks always even some cards seems bad and if you can't pick "Shield Wall" for your wild picks you can try "Suit Up" for your wild picks to have a more consistent expedition deck. Wild Picks don't breaks your Synergy Picks so you can push the limits with "Shadow and Dust" or "Enlightenment" with Fiora/Shen for example but try to avoid unsynergistic picks on your Synergy Picks.

    Also, try to make your mana curve looks good. I mean a literal curve. Mana curve doesn't so important on ladder and constructed decks in this game but it matters at Expeditions.

    Ok, it looks, seems and feels funny to play with 3 regions in a deck but if it is not your open play, I won't suggest you to draft 3 different regions. It is for fun in my opinion and should be in open plays for just for monkeying around.

    Also, Mono Decks (only Demacia for example) are quite well in expeditions. Especially Demacia and Noxus. Piltover&Zaun is also cool. You can start with Mono Demacia as drafting Garen + Fiora. Demacian Steel tree is easy to draft and play and gives you 3-4 wins at best if you know how to play mid-range archetype.

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From sinti
    Quote From kaladin

    Is mushroom the new hotness?   Should I be trying to draft Teemo?  I just lost 4 in a row to mushroom decks.  I don't know if it's simply my god awful picks, bad rng, if Teemo is legit good, or if I'm just extremely bad. 


    do you have any other links???

    I have never lost to a Teemo deck yet. I came close few times, but what you cant do is to sit around and drag the game out, that way you are sure to lose. They need to throw away tempo by playing puffcaps, so try to capitalize on that and be more aggressive. I saw your screen in Salt Thread, yeah Round 11, that is taking it pretty long. I guess vs Freljord deck that just frostbites you over and over you might not have much choice, but like i said, you cant get it that far, if you can help it.

    Im not saying Teemo decks cant work, you can actually make better ones in expeditions than in constructed, but they are usually too slow to kill you, unless you are very unlucky.

    I was running a tempo oriented deck with 15 1, 2, and 3 drops.  all my opponents had endless removal.  I was running Elise and Vladimir, with triple Rekindler.  They all had Teemo on curve or by turn 3, I drew Elise but once and Vlad but once....in the late game.

    worst community ever

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From kaladin
    Quote From sinti
    Quote From kaladin

    Is mushroom the new hotness?   Should I be trying to draft Teemo?  I just lost 4 in a row to mushroom decks.  I don't know if it's simply my god awful picks, bad rng, if Teemo is legit good, or if I'm just extremely bad. 


    do you have any other links???

    I have never lost to a Teemo deck yet. I came close few times, but what you cant do is to sit around and drag the game out, that way you are sure to lose. They need to throw away tempo by playing puffcaps, so try to capitalize on that and be more aggressive. I saw your screen in Salt Thread, yeah Round 11, that is taking it pretty long. I guess vs Freljord deck that just frostbites you over and over you might not have much choice, but like i said, you cant get it that far, if you can help it.

    Im not saying Teemo decks cant work, you can actually make better ones in expeditions than in constructed, but they are usually too slow to kill you, unless you are very unlucky.

    I was running a tempo oriented deck with 15 1, 2, and 3 drops.  all my opponents had endless removal.  I was running Elise and Vladimir, with triple Rekindler.  They all had Teemo on curve or by turn 3, I drew Elise but once and Vlad but once....in the late game.

    Thats another mindset you might have from HS Arena, minion combat. While it is still important, duh, if you dont have spells, you will not win many games. Because fast and burst spells are actually the ways you can react on the board when you need to. You can have the best board ever, but if your opponent recalls or frostbites your minions or buffs his to have a better trade, you are screwed.

    I made this mistake myself when i started, now i watch carefully not only for my curve and synergy, but also how many spells i have, if im leaning way too heavilly into minions, i force myself to pick some spells, even tho the minions could have been better, but i know that having a hand full of great minions will do shit for me when i need to react to a situation. And with just 20 nexus health, games are much more explosive than in HS.

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  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I'm getting really frustrated....everyone has BETTER than constructed decks in this mode.  I just lost to an on-curve upgraded Jinx....How the hell does anyone win games without a crazy amount of luck?


    edit: How are you supposed to beat an upgraded (second) Ashe on turn 6?

    worst community ever

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From kaladin

    I'm getting really frustrated....everyone has BETTER than constructed decks in this mode.  I just lost to an on-curve upgraded Jinx....How the hell does anyone win games without a crazy amount of luck?

    edit: How are you supposed to beat an upgraded (second) Ashe on turn 6?

    I told you, Expeditions are better than constructed decks :) if they have upgraded ashe on T6, then they must have done nothing but freeze entire game, at which point you should have had some more pressure out, unless you had bad draws.

    I think the best thing you can do is, if you have shards for it, to dedicate one week to trial runs. If you finish 3 Expeditions, another entry is free for the rest of the week. So you can do that with 1 token from lvl10 vault and then pay 6k for next two. Then you can just try out drafts and see how it works and what combination there can be and get a better understanding of it.

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  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From sinti
    Quote From kaladin

    I'm getting really frustrated....everyone has BETTER than constructed decks in this mode.  I just lost to an on-curve upgraded Jinx....How the hell does anyone win games without a crazy amount of luck?

    edit: How are you supposed to beat an upgraded (second) Ashe on turn 6?

    I told you, Expeditions are better than constructed decks :) if they have upgraded ashe on T6, then they must have done nothing but freeze entire game, at which point you should have had some more pressure out, unless you had bad draws.

    I think the best thing you can do is, if you have shards for it, to dedicate one week to trial runs. If you finish 3 Expeditions, another entry is free for the rest of the week. So you can do that with 1 token from lvl10 vault and then pay 6k for next two. Then you can just try out drafts and see how it works and what combination there can be and get a better understanding of it.

    Yeah....they froze once, had Ashe on 5 and attacked with it, then had that card that freezes all enemies with 3 or less power.  Not much I could really do there.  I played on curve every turn up to that point.

    worst community ever

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I don't think this is the mode for me.  Even my best efforts, taking your advice, I went 0-2 to complete bullshit that had every turn perfect draws.

    worst community ever

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