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Thoughts on Magic Find?

Submitted 5 years, 6 months ago by

For those out of the loop, Hearthpwn was re-acquisitioned by a group called Magic Find. They claim to keep the site running the same way it did before and "provide only the best that we can offer". According to my knowledge, Flux was offered a role in the reconstruction of the website, and declined the offer. The most common response to this is "FUCK YEAH! I love this site, thanks for keeping it running!", followed by "We had it great back then, now it's controlled by people we don't know. I'm off to Out Of Cards".

In my opinion, I'd probably use both. I too have a special attachment towards the old Hearthpwn crew, and going back to Hearthpwn without then is like a Hearthstone without Ben Brode. However, twice the websites means twice the forum posts, twice the decklist sharing, twice the trolling and twice the discussion. I don't know, I just wanted to get other peoples' opinions about this. Please don't take this as an aggression, I am not disapproving of Magic Find or their actions in any way; on the contrary I think it's great that they bite the bullet and keep Hearthpwn running. I just don't have anybody in my friends circle that has any interest in Hearthstone or it's forums.

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    For those out of the loop, Hearthpwn was re-acquisitioned by a group called Magic Find. They claim to keep the site running the same way it did before and "provide only the best that we can offer". According to my knowledge, Flux was offered a role in the reconstruction of the website, and declined the offer. The most common response to this is "FUCK YEAH! I love this site, thanks for keeping it running!", followed by "We had it great back then, now it's controlled by people we don't know. I'm off to Out Of Cards".

    In my opinion, I'd probably use both. I too have a special attachment towards the old Hearthpwn crew, and going back to Hearthpwn without then is like a Hearthstone without Ben Brode. However, twice the websites means twice the forum posts, twice the decklist sharing, twice the trolling and twice the discussion. I don't know, I just wanted to get other peoples' opinions about this. Please don't take this as an aggression, I am not disapproving of Magic Find or their actions in any way; on the contrary I think it's great that they bite the bullet and keep Hearthpwn running. I just don't have anybody in my friends circle that has any interest in Hearthstone or it's forums.


  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I've been lurking on HearthPwn for a good few years now, and I've completely migrated here, to Out Of Cards. Because I've never actually posted on HP, I never really got attached to the mods there - but their presence and work were often apparent. You could see Flux or Chimera respond to technical issues on the forums a lot (comparatively speaking), and all the news posts came super hot straight out of the oven. The site felt vibrant and alive, in part because of the great community but also the team behind it all. And although I wasn't active on the forums back then - I really understand the drive to follow Flux and the crew, they really deserve it.

    My problems with HP started towards its "closing" - news became a bit slower but they were still quick and fresh. The forums, on the other hand, felt like they started to lean more into salt threads and people complaining about cards \ classes \ blizzard, with constructive criticism and interesting discussion being diluted in a lot of aggression and nonsense. These problems feel even more pronounced now - HP news section is very much behind in my opinion, and I've leaned more and more (now completely) to using OoC for news. The forums there feel dead half the time, and the other half is just more salt - at least in my opinion.

    The thing is - I really don't think Magic Find is inherently the one to blame for this. They simply purchased what I would describe as the carcass of a site, and stopped it from shutting down - but they really have a lot of work to do. Since many of the old mods left the site, they are understaffed right now (I've seen a forum post about recruiting mods for HP not too long ago), which means curating content and managing forums is incredibly slow. I don't know if they knew what they were getting out of that deal, and I don't blame them for the "death" of HP (I feel like Curse \ Fandom is to blame on that front). All i know is, that at the end of the day - I use a site and the forums for content and community, and right now I just feel better about both in OoC. I do wish Magic Find all the luck in the world, but that being said - I'm sticking to OoC for now.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2025 3143 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Funny side-note. I've gone to the site a few times to compare forum activity and Out of Cards on multiple occasions has had more recent discussion. You'll see the most recent 4 threads on Pwn be made within the past 3 hours where Out of Cards had 5 posts within an hour.

    Deck discussion is definitely a bit more active there than here, but we're just getting things started so I think its okay.

    Ultimately, good luck to them. They inherited a ton of tech debt on both backend and frontend and it is not going to be an easy pay off. People also won't get away from the ads infestation that is HearthPwn. Had I have obtained the site, the goal was to completely rewrite it from the ground up anyway since the platform it is on sucks. It basically would have become what Out of Cards is right now, just it would have been a different color scheme and things would be kept very similar with regards to UI.

    We've got big plans, stay tuned.

    Also I moved your thread to the off-topic general chat forum. It was not Hearthstone game related.

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  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I've only really been active on HPwn since the shutdown scare, although I used it as a resource for card searching and theorycrafting decks etc. a lot back in the day. I can't say if it's always been this way, but the discussions over there right now are pretty shallow and hostile in tone, certainly not what you'd expect to find on a message board with an established userbase and experienced mods. It's still the best place to get eyes on a new deck for the moment, but that'll probably change too, especially if/when the card search engine on OOC gets an upgrade.

  • Mgalekgolo's Avatar
    Pikachu 215 23 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Well from what it seems atm they aren't really on the ball with any updates or anything yet, it's been nearly 2 days since all the mike donais news that Flux posted here and hearthpwn still hasn't even got an announcement thread for it yet, not even a little bit of info to let the players know what's in the pipeline and from what I can see so far Out of Cards is already more active in the threads now so keep up the good work Flux and co.

    Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2792 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Im not sure they knew what they were gettin into either, or if they knew exactly how it is going to look like when they purchase the site and announce it. I wouldnt be surprised if Curse/Fandom omitted some "minior" details like Flux already working on OOC and entire mod team probably goin to move there. Maybe they read the "pls save hpwn" comments and thought it would be that easy, save hpwn and rest will resolve itself. Maybe they are a similar enthusiastic group of ppl like we are, who just want to make a great site for the community and saw an opportunity to keep the legend alive, who knows? They certainly dont share much information, so we can only guess.

    Either way, we dont know much about the new owners and they didnt do a very good job at introducing themselves or giving out pretty much any info. At least the CEO or a spokes person? (too little info to be certain) jleclanche said that he has years of experience in the business and was in the original team that started HSreplay. He should then have enough experience to know that a good start is important and they failed miserably on many fronts in that regard. I dont know what to think about that.

    Only time will tell if they will be up to the challenge or not, they certainly have a monster of a task ahead of them, so good luck.

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  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I haven't posted on Hearthpwn since I rage-uninstalled Hearthstone last Friday.  

    I do plan on actively contributing to, both on Hearthstone subs and MtG/other subs.  I might be taking a short hiatus or an indefinitely long hiatus from Hearthstone, we'll see.  

    This site loads faster, has no ads, and there's nothing that suddenly loads when I'm trying to click on a link like there is and always has been on Hearthpwn.  That's a big deal to me. 

    worst community ever

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I have been visiting the other site as I always used to do, just in case I miss something news related but I think I won't be doing that anymore because they have an article that includes a list of decks that are popular and one of the decks isn't even a real deck, it's one of those ways to get "secret achievements." So, logged out and loaderted!

  • NightCrawler's Avatar
    Lava Coil 315 159 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Fluxflashor

    Funny side-note. I've gone to the site a few times to compare forum activity and Out of Cards on multiple occasions has had more recent discussion. You'll see the most recent 4 threads on Pwn be made within the past 3 hours where Out of Cards had 5 posts within an hour.

    Deck discussion is definitely a bit more active there than here, but we're just getting things started so I think its okay.

    Our activity in the forums is higher but their decklists have more views by order of magnitudes when compared to lists on this site with similar age

    Makes a lot of sense, since people who mostly used the HP forums would have heard the news while those who use the site as a decklist host won't care/know about the change

  • RavenSunHS's Avatar
    Refreshment Vendor 880 1487 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From NightCrawler
    Quote From Fluxflashor

    Funny side-note. I've gone to the site a few times to compare forum activity and Out of Cards on multiple occasions has had more recent discussion. You'll see the most recent 4 threads on Pwn be made within the past 3 hours where Out of Cards had 5 posts within an hour.

    Deck discussion is definitely a bit more active there than here, but we're just getting things started so I think its okay.

    Our activity in the forums is higher but their decklists have more views by order of magnitudes when compared to lists on this site with similar age

    Makes a lot of sense, since people who mostly used the HP forums would have heard the news while those who use the site as a decklist host won't care/know about the change

    We should try and come up with a plan to recuperate that.

    I suggested to propose a teaming up with some meta tracker website, say VS since they are basically without a discussion-productive community. We could be their community (including homebrewing and tracker feeding), and they could be our professional netdecking front-end.

    Or anything else ofc.

    On the long run, it's important to keep up with netdecking in order to feed our own community. Homebrewing is not enough by definition (when homebrewing becomes influential, it's netdecking, and that's when it becomes worthy of discussion).

    PS: you can see we need some adjustment in how our Wild hot decks generate more traffic than Standard ones. As much as I don't care of Standard, we need it in order to generate traction for the community (at least, until Wild becomes more popular than Standard in-game...).

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