Time to split homepage
Submitted 4 years, 8 months ago by
I know this is/was discussed at the start of 2020, but I really dislike the fact that every game has his post on the homepage. Normally it didnt bother me, but Ashes went live tuesday and I believe Runeterra had something else this week.
Because of that Runeterra event I have a feeling one of the best expansion of Hearthstone is a bit underwhelmed. I visit this site daily (who's core is Hearthstone) and this week there wasnt any Hearthstone on top of the homepage, every time it was Runeterra.
That is why I look forward to filter the homepage. Love the rest of the si<3
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I know this is/was discussed at the start of 2020, but I really dislike the fact that every game has his post on the homepage. Normally it didnt bother me, but Ashes went live tuesday and I believe Runeterra had something else this week.
Because of that Runeterra event I have a feeling one of the best expansion of Hearthstone is a bit underwhelmed. I visit this site daily (who's core is Hearthstone) and this week there wasnt any Hearthstone on top of the homepage, every time it was Runeterra.
That is why I look forward to filter the homepage. Love the rest of the si<3
There is a button on the top-left corner of the page where you can separate the different games. Just bookmark the "hearthstone portal" on your web browser and there you go!
Carrion, my wayward grub.
maybe you should just click on one of the icons on top of the page that lets you seperate between games?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Well, what ur asking is already implemented and has been for some time - game portals. If you look at the homepage, you can notice at the top (under the nav menu) there are 4 game portals - Hearthstone, Runeterra, Magic ... and Forums as a placeholder for now.
If you would like to follow only a specific game, bookmark the portal url instead of the homepage. The nav menu also changes based on which portal you're on or which you have set as default.
Also, individual portals, Hearthstone especially, have more features on the portal-homepage that wouldnt be fitting for the main-homepage.
Btw when you look at the Hearthstone Portal, we've had several HS articles per day ... saying there was no HS article this week is just incorrect. I get that the main-homepage might be moving too fast for your taste, thats why you can follow the portal(s) individually.
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I just want to add that there are currently no plans for any filtering on the homepage. Please use the class portals that have existed for some time as others have pointed out. Bonus points because the portals have additional game-only filtering and features.
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Dammit, I knew I missed something. I couldnt find that button.
And once again, I am very happy with this site and his content. I wasnt assuming there was a lack of content on HS, but I had a feeling there where 2 posts of Runeterra above it because of all the events that happened in that game.
TLTR: I am stupid, I have found the button.