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Legends of Runeterra

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Darius needs a buff or rework

Submitted 4 years, 2 months ago by

Before the showcase of new cards, Darius was a semi viable champion pick. Having the strongest Power and overwhelm, and can level up mid combat to surprise lethal the Nexus was cool. But now, there are many champions that do damage to the Nexus in more interesting ways. Yes I do think his core should be simply strength. But that is all he has going for him. Plus it doesnt take much to kill Darius.

  • JunLong's Avatar
    70 7 Posts Joined 04/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Before the showcase of new cards, Darius was a semi viable champion pick. Having the strongest Power and overwhelm, and can level up mid combat to surprise lethal the Nexus was cool. But now, there are many champions that do damage to the Nexus in more interesting ways. Yes I do think his core should be simply strength. But that is all he has going for him. Plus it doesnt take much to kill Darius.

  • OldManSanns's Avatar
    Azir 1040 924 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From JunLong

    Before the showcase of new cards, Darius was a semi viable champion pick. Having the strongest Power and overwhelm, and can level up mid combat to surprise lethal the Nexus was cool. But now, there are many champions that do damage to the Nexus in more interesting ways. Yes I do think his core should be simply strength. But that is all he has going for him. Plus it doesnt take much to kill Darius.

    Hard disagree.  Darius is still a viable closer for aggro decks.  Sure, all the new champions have clever new ways to win AFTER they level up, but don't be mistaken--each will also be very difficult to level up.  Darius has arguably the easiest level condition in the game, and an attacking 10/5 overwhelm on Turn 6 is extremely dangerous.  Yes, he is a little vanilla, but that's not a bad thing--the game needs vanilla cards for new players.

  • ViktorVonVox's Avatar
    110 53 Posts Joined 03/25/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I have to disagree as well. Darius is a great closer for aggro decks. Many removal spells are exhausted over the course of the relentless assault brings. A turn 6 darius open attacking into turn 7 can be a little too much to handle. If you make it to Turn 7 and you don't have your opponent under 10 at that time, aggro has likely lost the game anyways and it's no fault of Darius being weaker.

  • Leglock's Avatar
    95 34 Posts Joined 03/03/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Let's make Darius a 20/20 overwhelm, fearsome. Wich flips when enemy nexus it's on 15 hp or less.

    Give me the reason why the mind's a terrible thing to waste?
    Understanding is cruel the monkey said as it launched to space.

    ...Ignorance is bliss, until they take your bliss away...

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