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How to Embed a Deck List into a OutOf.Cards Forum Post

Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by

...Since this comes up, and its not really a straight-forward process.  If anyone has a better explanation let me know and I will edit; if any Moderator could sticky this thread it would be appreciated.

  1. In the menu section, click on "Deckbuilder" (between "Decks" and "Expansions")
  2. On the far right, find the "Import" button.  Paste your deck code into the adjacent field and click "Import".
  3. After a short pause, your deck should come up.  At the bottom, give it a Name and an Archetype and click "Save".
  4. Your web browser should take you to a new page with your new deck like this: https://outof.cards/legends-of-runeterra/decks/537-battle-scars
  5. On that page, find the "Copy BBCode" button and click it.  The code will automatically be copied to your clipboard.
  6. In your forum post, paste your clipboard's new contents into your post.  (Alternatively, if you remember the number from the URL of your deck's page, you can manually type it out then highlight it and click the "Runeterra Deck" button to make the code on-the-fly.)

While you're writing the post it should look something like this except with square brackets instead of squiggly brackets:


However when people view your post it will look like this:

Again, that's the best way I know.  If anyone knows a simpler way I'd love to hear it.

  • OldManSanns's Avatar
    Azir 1040 924 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    ...Since this comes up, and its not really a straight-forward process.  If anyone has a better explanation let me know and I will edit; if any Moderator could sticky this thread it would be appreciated.

    1. In the menu section, click on "Deckbuilder" (between "Decks" and "Expansions")
    2. On the far right, find the "Import" button.  Paste your deck code into the adjacent field and click "Import".
    3. After a short pause, your deck should come up.  At the bottom, give it a Name and an Archetype and click "Save".
    4. Your web browser should take you to a new page with your new deck like this: https://outof.cards/legends-of-runeterra/decks/537-battle-scars
    5. On that page, find the "Copy BBCode" button and click it.  The code will automatically be copied to your clipboard.
    6. In your forum post, paste your clipboard's new contents into your post.  (Alternatively, if you remember the number from the URL of your deck's page, you can manually type it out then highlight it and click the "Runeterra Deck" button to make the code on-the-fly.)

    While you're writing the post it should look something like this except with square brackets instead of squiggly brackets:


    However when people view your post it will look like this:

    Again, that's the best way I know.  If anyone knows a simpler way I'd love to hear it.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2792 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Hi, thanks for creating this little guide :) Tho there is an easier way, on every deck page, there is "Copy BBCode" button, among other things, that does exactly what you are describing :)

    ~ Have an idea? Found a bug? Let us know! ~
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  • OldManSanns's Avatar
    Azir 1040 924 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From sinti

    Hi, thanks for creating this little guide :) Tho there is an easier way, on every deck page, there is "Copy BBCode" button, among other things, that does exactly what you are describing :)

    Ah; I was sure there had to be a better way.  Thanks, Sinti!  Updated

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