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Is my deck any good?

Submitted 4 years, 7 months ago by

This is the first deck I created.


I won one game and lost 5 with it so far.


I'm not sure if early game aggro decks are viable in the game, as low cost removal is limited and finding blockers isn't difficult. 

Something as simple as a House Spider can ruin my board position. And I cannot deal with late game cards. I'm still not sure about 

Legion Rearguard. Having it do something on turn 1 is mostly up to luck and attacking first.  And I'm wondering if a 1 cost 2/2 isn't better than a 3 /1 that can't block. I also recently learned that allies that can't block can still be forced to block. (Would have been nice if it had a narrow upside)


Once the enemy has blocked a few, or traded,  they overtake me with larger threats.

Obviously, some card choices are not optimal as I'm still building my collection.

  • Phaseshifter's Avatar
    180 114 Posts Joined 06/06/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    This is the first deck I created.


    I won one game and lost 5 with it so far.


    I'm not sure if early game aggro decks are viable in the game, as low cost removal is limited and finding blockers isn't difficult. 

    Something as simple as a House Spider can ruin my board position. And I cannot deal with late game cards. I'm still not sure about 

    Legion Rearguard. Having it do something on turn 1 is mostly up to luck and attacking first.  And I'm wondering if a 1 cost 2/2 isn't better than a 3 /1 that can't block. I also recently learned that allies that can't block can still be forced to block. (Would have been nice if it had a narrow upside)


    Once the enemy has blocked a few, or traded,  they overtake me with larger threats.

    Obviously, some card choices are not optimal as I'm still building my collection.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    I think as a new player, that deck is fine. After all, you're just trying to find better cards to replace your bad cards. But I think in deckbuilding, you want to find out what's the purpose of the deck or the win condition. If you're going for a fast deck, you should consider replacing some cards that don't fit with your deck or they're just too slow like Thermogenic Beam or Amateur Aeronaut for example.

    If you have Get Excited!, Decimate or Noxian Fervor, I would consider to use them and replace Blade's Edge as 1 Mana deal 1 typically don't get enough value. Rummage could help too because you are running Jinx.

    So all I can really say is good luck on your grind and hope you get all the cards you need.

    Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm unranked and only play casuals lmao.

  • Vino's Avatar
    Champion of Runeterra 705 231 Posts Joined 06/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Unless you want to make decks only by yourself try looking up other people's decks (and meta). You will then see what cards are good in decks with similar game plan - in this case aggro noxus / p&z.

    Once you make up your mind with what you want to get, you can start gathering resources and slowly create these missing cards.

    Quick ideas: you can try putting more low cost - aggresive minions to overwhelm opponent quickly for example. Or implement some discard package that would work with Jinx. Beam and blade's edge out, put in cards like: Boomcrew Rookie, Legion Grenadier, Crimson Disciple, Imperial Demolitionist.

    I never apologize… I’m sorry but that’s the way I am.

  • OldManSanns's Avatar
    Azir 1040 924 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    As much as I HATE netdecking: with this archetype, the closer you look like this, the more successful you're going to be.

    This is pretty much the optimized burn deck; some cards are potential side-grades but it's practically impossible to make anything more aggressive.  Part of your problem is this deck was extremely popular last month so everyone knows how to mulligan and play against it--and you're essentially running an inferior version of it.

    If you DO want to homebrew, try some champions with the potential to generate more value e.g. Swain, Miss Fortune, Kalista.  Jinx isn't a very strong champion ATM so I'd avoid her, but if you do insist then I'd recommend netdecking a Draven + Jinx deck with heavy discard syngeries.

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From OldManSanns

    As much as I HATE netdecking: with this archetype, the closer you look like this, the more successful you're going to be.



    This is pretty much the optimized burn deck; some cards are potential side-grades but it's practically impossible to make anything more aggressive.  Part of your problem is this deck was extremely popular last month so everyone knows how to mulligan and play against it--and you're essentially running an inferior version of it.

    If you DO want to homebrew, try some champions with the potential to generate more value e.g. Swain, Miss Fortune, Kalista.  Jinx isn't a very strong champion ATM so I'd avoid her, but if you do insist then I'd recommend netdecking a Draven + Jinx deck with heavy discard syngeries.

    But, that's not the optimized burn list... At least not anymore, anyway. Legion Rearguard is absolute trash and needs to be replaced. This is the current go-to burn list.

    If OP doesn't have that demon (Teemo) yet then some additional burn will suffice at lower ranks. Get Excited!, Blade's Edge or, if you want a fun card, try Jinx.

  • Phaseshifter's Avatar
    180 114 Posts Joined 06/06/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago


    I actually like thermogenic beam. It lets me either remove early blockers or mid game large threats. It hasn't been a liability yet. And I find it fun to play. Granted it sometimes can be a disadvantage to be able to only play it for full cost. But I guess the ability to be both early and late game removal can't be free.


    But yes, I will eventually be replacing the areonaut when I find something that fits. I've been on the fence over Get Excited! because the deck tends to already give me card disadvantage against my opponent. And the 3 cost slot tends to get clogged as well.

    Quote From Author
    Unless you want to make decks only by yourself try looking up other people's decks (and meta).


    I'll be looking up the meta eventually. But I want to start by constructing myself and learning from my mistakes. Otherwise, I find that my outlook becomes more narrow.


    Boomcrew Rookie is already in the deck.. I've been considering the other 2 cost cards. I just don't have them yet.


    Quote From Author
    Jinx isn't a very strong champion ATM so I'd avoid her,

    I'm only using her because it was the best option among what I have. I want to play the deck a bit before I start using my wild cards.


    Quote From Author
    If OP doesn't have that demon (Teemo) yet then some additional burn will suffice at lower ranks. Get Excited!Blade's Edge or, if you want a fun card, try Jinx.


    I have a strange feeling that people are not actually looking at my decklist....


  • Phaseshifter's Avatar
    180 114 Posts Joined 06/06/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Wait, does Jinx's level up effect check while a spell is resolving?


    Like in the case of Rummage. If I only have two cards in hand, would she level up when I discard the first two cards? Before I draw the next two. Or does the effect have to wait until the spell is resolved to check? (in which case, I don't see any synergy)

  • OldManSanns's Avatar
    Azir 1040 924 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From Phaseshifter

    Wait, does Jinx's level up effect check while a spell is resolving?


    Like in the case of Rummage. If I only have two cards in hand, would she level up when I discard the first two cards? Before I draw the next two. Or does the effect have to wait until the spell is resolved to check? (in which case, I don't see any synergy)

    Her level up (and L2 rockets for the matter) trigger the instant your hand is empty.  For Rummage, it is as soon as you cast it since its burst speed and your hand is temporarily empty.  For Get Excited! and Draven's axes, its also as soon as you cast since the discard is part of the cost.  For Augmented Experimenter, however, you need to wait for the skill to resolve since there it's part of the skill and its only at fast speed. 

    Quote From iWatchUSleep
    But, that's not the optimized burn list... At least not anymore, anyway. Legion Rearguard is absolute trash and needs to be replaced. This is the current go-to burn list.

    If OP doesn't have that demon (Teemo) yet then some additional burn will suffice at lower ranks. Get Excited!, Blade's Edge or, if you want a fun card, try Jinx.

    I would classify Teemo as a sidegrade.  Sure, Rearguard now dies to literally any 1 drop (edit except for Unscarred Reaver lol like anyone actually plays her)--but they still need to find a 1-drop, and many decks can't.  Both die to Thermo Beam or Vile Feast.  Basically: you're gambling the potential 3 damage from an unanswered Rearguard against the ~1.5 damage from a stealthed Teemo.  I could definitely see the arguments for saying Teemo is a bit more consistent in the current meta, but at the end of the day you have to accept that all burn decks are inherently more about how successfully your opponent is able to counter your early pressure than whatever mini-maxing you're doing on your end. 

  • Phaseshifter's Avatar
    180 114 Posts Joined 06/06/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Thx. I had assumed it was like in MtG and nothing could happen while a spell was resolving.

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