Medarda was actually nerfed
Submitted 4 years, 6 months ago by
Losing elusive outweighs making him cheaper, and they even nerfed his condition for drawing, now he needs to survive an enemy spell. Buffing a unit that has no combat perks like Elusive, is not that rewarding and he compares terribly to crimson aristocrat when it comes to being a target for spells like transfusion, blood for blood.
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Losing elusive outweighs making him cheaper, and they even nerfed his condition for drawing, now he needs to survive an enemy spell. Buffing a unit that has no combat perks like Elusive, is not that rewarding and he compares terribly to crimson aristocrat when it comes to being a target for spells like transfusion, blood for blood.
Very different drawing from your deck and generating a random card tho.
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He always needed to survive; they just made it explicit in the text.
Both net you 1 card, he is 3 cost with 3/3 vs 6 cost with 4/4, which is more of a difference.
Oh right, can't even remember anyone killing a Medarda he is so rare.
Petition to rename him to MeRdarda (means "big shit" in my language) as it perfectly suits this change.
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I think now he is actually playable. You can combine him with Demacia for Riposte, Fight or maybe even US. Or Jonia for all kinds of targeting spells. Don't forget that every spell targeting him becomes a cantrip.
8 mana draw engine is unplayable, at 6 mana he is more reasonable.
He is basically a Gadgetzan Auctioneer, guess they compared him to gadgetzan when redesigning him.
He was seeing 0 play so I don't see what are you complaining about, and he always had to survive the targeting to draw, that's how most cards work in runeterra.
With elusive the card had power where he didn't need to have to serve his main purpose of drawing cards.
at 4 hp he is hard to remove since he will rarely engage in combat.
Also you can cast map on him and gain elusive.. which is 100% going in a deck using him.
Agreed I would stick with the Ren Shadowblade rework which is a lot better.
I think that the Medarda change is good, since he needs to be low cost to get any kind of value from him. My one gripe with him is that he still costs too much to really be used in an Aggro discard deck with Draven, so I think he'd be better as a 5 Mana 3/4 or something.
Oh, for some reason i thought he could only draw cards when targeted by the oponnent... this is actually quite a nice buff.
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