The Harrowing - How does it work?
Submitted 4 years, 8 months ago by
So, I have yet to have the opportunity to cast this spell or have it cast against me. From the wording, it's hard for me to tell exactly what will happen.
If fewer than 6 things have died on your side, does it only summon that number of things, or do some of them get summoned twice, to make 6 copies? (Example - only 3 of your allies have died, you cast Harrowing - do only those 3 come back, or do 2 copies of each come back to make a total of 6?)
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So, I have yet to have the opportunity to cast this spell or have it cast against me. From the wording, it's hard for me to tell exactly what will happen.
If fewer than 6 things have died on your side, does it only summon that number of things, or do some of them get summoned twice, to make 6 copies? (Example - only 3 of your allies have died, you cast Harrowing - do only those 3 come back, or do 2 copies of each come back to make a total of 6?)
No copies, it would just summon less than 6 units. In the example you gave it would mean getting only 3 units.
Thanks for the answer!
Some interesting points:
Kind of a necro but just wanted to add:
Harrowing and Kalista (they work the same way afaik) WILL choose They Who Endure based on current stats as I play both T.W.E and Harrowing in my Hecarim/Kalista rush aggro deck. Upgraded Kalista chooses T.W.E over Rekindler and Darkwater Scourge so it must be that way.