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Elder Scrolls: Legends?

Submitted 5 years, 6 months ago by

Has anyone been playing Elder Scrolls: Legends with some tips for newbs? I started playing the game last week and haven't decided if I like it or not. I finished the free adventure and played arena quite a few times to get more free stuff. I've also played some ranked games and have gotten to rank 9. After losing a few ranked matches I started searching the web for ideas and / or advice and found the usual things. The only thing is that when I web search for things related to the game the links seem really old. Nobody seems to be talking about the game anymore in the year 2019. I find this sort of weird, given how there is a new expansion coming (or already out?) I think the graphics are kind of lame, so maybe the lack of cosmetics is the cause of the internet's silence?

I think I've got the basic strategies down for playing the game correctly. My problem right now is that I need more knowledge and experience. However, I've got to say that the pre-made newbie decks are pretty effective for playing ranked matches at the lower levels. For now I've decided to just keep using the free stuff to play on ranked because I don't think I could afford to invest money into TWO card games. Also, even though I feel kind of stuck in ranked play, I don't feel like I'm at a serious disadvantage with my decks. I've been losing probably due to lack of experience, given that my opponents don't seem to be all that great yet. I feel like I lose because "oops" more than anything.

So, if anybody has anything to share to help me out with my free-to-play Elder Scrolls: Legends (mis)adventures, I'd be grateful. If you think I should buy something, I don't consider that bad advice, if it's a good buying tip. Still probably won't buy anything, though, for now, but I could think about it and put it off for the future.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Has anyone been playing Elder Scrolls: Legends with some tips for newbs? I started playing the game last week and haven't decided if I like it or not. I finished the free adventure and played arena quite a few times to get more free stuff. I've also played some ranked games and have gotten to rank 9. After losing a few ranked matches I started searching the web for ideas and / or advice and found the usual things. The only thing is that when I web search for things related to the game the links seem really old. Nobody seems to be talking about the game anymore in the year 2019. I find this sort of weird, given how there is a new expansion coming (or already out?) I think the graphics are kind of lame, so maybe the lack of cosmetics is the cause of the internet's silence?

    I think I've got the basic strategies down for playing the game correctly. My problem right now is that I need more knowledge and experience. However, I've got to say that the pre-made newbie decks are pretty effective for playing ranked matches at the lower levels. For now I've decided to just keep using the free stuff to play on ranked because I don't think I could afford to invest money into TWO card games. Also, even though I feel kind of stuck in ranked play, I don't feel like I'm at a serious disadvantage with my decks. I've been losing probably due to lack of experience, given that my opponents don't seem to be all that great yet. I feel like I lose because "oops" more than anything.

    So, if anybody has anything to share to help me out with my free-to-play Elder Scrolls: Legends (mis)adventures, I'd be grateful. If you think I should buy something, I don't consider that bad advice, if it's a good buying tip. Still probably won't buy anything, though, for now, but I could think about it and put it off for the future.

  • nmego's Avatar
    80 17 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    I thought of playing the game at one point and watched a few gamethroughs of it, but got turned down when I noticed that the community isn't that active in the recent years and the recent reviews on steam doesn't help. If It was a game with more-active players and a better future I might have actually given it a try.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From nmego

    I thought of playing the game at one point and watched a few gamethroughs of it, but got turned down when I noticed that the community isn't that active in the recent years and the recent reviews on steam doesn't help. If It was a game with more-active players and a better future I might have actually given it a try.

    This is my experience with the game, nobody is talking about it. Steam is a harsh world, so maybe it was a mistake for them to offer it on there. I'm also relieved to learn that I'm not imagining things. The web search results I get are always old when I'm looking for something a little beyond the basics for advice or strategy. There is a website devoted to deck building where people share their decks, but it's like a recipe book of deck lists without much in terms of how to use the decks.

  • SithLordOfSnark's Avatar
    315 116 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    It is one of the most generous games in existence, I'm amazed people aren't talking about it, especially with Moons of Elsewyr coming in only 8 days.

    There's also a promotion happening right now where you earn 15 packs just for playing Elsewyr on Elder Scrolls Online.

    The end of days is coming. Doomsayer was right all along.

  • jainaishot's Avatar
    120 34 Posts Joined 06/19/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    It was my main game two or 3 years ago and even reached top 5 (played from launch untill the dark brotherhood). For me the game is the perfect example of wasted potential. It had so many good things going for it, a beloved franchise as foundation, great mechanics and a diverse  fresh gameplay.  Then they fucked up so hard by turning the game to a smorcfest by making the prophecy  a win more instead of a coming back mechanic (the best prophecy cards were proactive instead of reactive).

    Moreover the game was plauged by a ridiiculous amount of bugs and not only in the game itself. In the  months i played the game i could not use real money in their shop to support it. i send many tickets to the technical support and their invaluable input was reinstall the game.... not shit, i have done that my self already like 5 times...And it was not only my case, there were countless posts in their forums with the same issue.And no, untill i deleted the game, the problem persisted.

    I gave the game a second chance when the tri colours were introduced, i saw the same smorcfested meta and the same bugs after fucking years from release...  so i deleted the game after two days and i am not reinstalling it ever again as long as magic exists.

    Anyway to be fair, all the above might have been fixed now, but for me, it is too late.

  • NLbouncyknight's Avatar
    Supporter 380 101 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    yeaah i did its really interesting

  • bananaMurloc's Avatar
    Hungry Crab 600 139 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    I joined less than a month ago and also completed the intro mission, the other adventures are great and reward with good cards, and can be purchased with in-game gold (à la LoE).

    TESL community is active but not as obviously as the HS one...the best site for news seems to be

    Also the Reddit community seems pretty active, especially as there's a new set coming out TOMORROW (Elsweyr)!

    The game itself is very fun and feels familiar...I'd call it Advanced HS: same foundational rules plus extra cool stuff.

    I love the purchasable decks and card collections (again with gold), and the game constantly pouring rewards is refreshing when you compare with HS!

    I now split my time between both games: both have their qualities.

    HS is more fun and pick'n play, TESL allows for more tactics with Prophecy/Alleys/Magic-style mechanics and the combination of 1, 2 or 3 colours which is WAY MORE POWERFUL than just pigeonholed specialised classes with  hero powers...especially in the wake of the recent "Class Redefinition" by Blizzard.

    Obviously there are imbalances and crazy OP cards combos etc (Just discovering the infamous Rage card)...well who can throw the first (hearth)stone? Certainly not HS. And I find the meta very diverse, with basically 5 basic, 10 double and 10 triple colour combinations, there's something for everyone.

    I personally picked a pair of colours I liked, then I revolve around them and combining them with a third for different flavours and results.

    I only bought one thing so far which was a special daily deal for the whole Brotherhood adventure plus some packs...I was planning to purchase all chapters gradually but it saved me some grinding. I wanted to play a pilfer/slay assassin type game (both mechanics that are _mostly_ unknown to HS- basically pilfer is reward for hitting the face and slay is reward for creature murder) so it gives me a head start and I find the adventures replayable and challenging!

    Dust (soul gems) is also pretty abundant (you get some just by training for instance), and it shocked me that when crafting, a Legendary= 3 Epics which is awesome and would make more sense in HS. Since there are more cards in TESL than HS though, deck building is closer to MTG and unique cards get diluted in a 75 tri-colour game.

    Also Legendaries can be non-unique. And there hasn't been a rotation yet (I hope there never will be one!).

    I'd say save your gold for adventures or ready-decks which will give you a head start and allow you to play.

    I hope for HS and TESL to influence each other for the good things and keep the CCG evolution going.

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Thank you, bananaMurloc, for the tips on where to look for people talking about the game. I don't have a Reddit account but maybe now I have a reason to sign up. The legends-decks site is interesting, yes, I found that one on my own. It lacks depth, but it has interesting deck lists. Also, thanks a lot for tips on the solo adventures. One of the things I've enjoyed about TESL is that the AI is actually a little smarter than expected and makes game play interesting. I have been enjoying, for example, the versus AI Arena, which is a different kind of concept that is not as easy as you might expect. I've had experiences where versus human arena actually seemed easier

  • GoliathTheDwarf's Avatar
    980 667 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    I personally enjoy this as a side card game to Hearthstone, mainly because I like the mystery, variety, and craziness of Elder Scrolls lore. You ever looking for someone to play with, hit me up sometime. 

    Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales



  • bananaMurloc's Avatar
    Hungry Crab 600 139 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    There are more places (try for deeper strategy discussions and what seems like pro-player interviews), but the ones I listed before looked like the most active, and were the only ones I could find in about a month of looking.

    Some areas are not totally up to date like cards databases, and I wish the purchasable decks lists were posted somewhere but that's a good start.

    TESL fills the boring gaps for me when I'm fed up with the meta on HS or waiting for something to happen.

    I must say it didn't happen much since January, Blizz are good at keeping us entertained with the big rotation and the unexpected buffs!

    In comparison TESL seems pretty active: quarterly sets, monthly reward cards, mandatory nerfs (since they don't seem to like the idea of rotating any content, YAY!).

    Some days I'm not sure which is the side card game to which, especially as I'm more from a Cyrodiil background (TES since Morrowind) than Azeroth (only played WCI-II-III) for "big" games.


    Edit: today is one of these days: I finally hit my legend pity counter (40-50? that RNG absolutely hates me) in HS with a crappy secret paladin card this with TESL where aside from the brand new set packs, I received the awesome Blood Magic vampire legendary as a daily reward (one legendary a month, my first one!: it cheered me up for the rest of the day when HS let me down!

    Competition is good.

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