
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.


Title Author Last Reply Num Replies Age Source Forum
Gauntlet II rookie30 rhinophu 1 Reddit mythgard
Gauntlet II rookie30 rhinophu 1 Reddit mythgard
Tuning Watchlist v.0.6 Xeneth Xeneth 2 Reddit mythgard
Play with the devs, daily 5 PM pacific time! paxton Xeneth 1 Reddit mythgard
[bug] Hacker's Intuition nelzya Xeneth 1 Reddit mythgard
[bug]Yahui nelzya Xeneth 1 Reddit mythgard
Should the wording Add a card to your hand trigger draw effects? (The stretcher vs Firesong Prodigy) animatedmuse Xeneth 1 Reddit mythgard
Patch going up Jan 17-2018 at approx. 10 am. May take as much as 4 hours. rhinophu Xeneth 1 Reddit mythgard
[bug]Sacrificial Altar nelzya Xeneth 1 Reddit mythgard
Card limit guide rocketmumum Xeneth 1 Reddit mythgard
[bug] Howling Abyssal deals damage even when the opponent has less than 8 life nelzya Xeneth 1 Reddit mythgard
Orbital Jamming Satellite nelzya Xeneth 2 Reddit mythgard
Deadly + first strike favgames Xeneth 1 Reddit mythgard
bug or feature? nelzya Xeneth 1 Reddit mythgard
[Hint] Untextured white cube reward. rhinophu Xeneth 1 Reddit mythgard
[Info] Next patch rhinophu Xeneth 1 Reddit mythgard
Open Pack screen needs keyword tooltips rob_wis Xeneth 1 Reddit mythgard
Bug - Doing more damage than an opponent has health displays their health lower than Zero Lost_Pathfinder Xeneth 1 Reddit mythgard