
Hearthstone's Roguelite RPG!

Topic Replies Views Last Post
Using Merc Coins
Posted by on 10/14/2021
0 3805
Antonidas’s task 3 bugged?
Posted by on 10/16/2021
0 2531
How to defeat Emperor Thaurissian
Posted by on 10/18/2021
0 7196
Information Opacity
Posted by on 10/14/2021
0 1464
BUG: Unable to buy multiple packs at once for gold
Posted by on 10/13/2021
0 1823
Your F2P best friend: Heroic Air Elemental
Posted by on 10/15/2021
0 2442
Problem with Xyrella
Posted by on 10/15/2021
0 1486
Shadow deck
Posted by on 10/13/2021
0 1373
Alternate portraits: which do I have
Posted by on 10/13/2021
0 916
The radio silence is deafening
Posted by on 09/15/2021
0 4772
The nature comp’ fat thrall
Posted by on 09/27/2021
0 4004
Mrggl Mrrgl Mrrgggll
Posted by on 10/09/2021
0 1300
Mercs’ launch: who are you going to level up first?
Posted by on 09/22/2021
0 5516
Gotta catch 'em all
Posted by on 09/20/2021
0 1903
Fire compo burst to hell
Posted by on 09/27/2021
0 7165
The Arcane composition, insane damage
Posted by on 09/27/2021
0 8532
Trump's f2p early access shreds haters' concerns
Posted by on 09/21/2021
0 5050