Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Hunting Boar

Hunting Boar Card Image

Card Stats

  • Region Freljord
  • Expansion Worldwalker
  • Rarity Common
  • Cost 3
  • Attack 2
  • Health 1

Card Text

Last Breath: Get an empty mana gem.


Can't Block - This unit cannot block.

Last Breath - These abilities take effect when the unit dies.

Flavor Text

The cycle of life and death looks different in the Freljord. The harsh environment ensures that little goes to waste.


  • henryqqy's Avatar
    Island 905 37 Posts Joined 11/13/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Needs either a huge attack or overwhelm, so your opponent dont just ignore it, also its a Freljord card not Shadow Isles so no self destruction i believe.


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