This is a guide for Legends of Runeterra's weekly Vault rewards. It covers how the Vault system works, what the card and Expedition token rewards across the various levels, the RNG statistics for card upgrades, and Frequently Asked Questions. It is intended for players of all levels of experience, from beginners learning how the reward systems in Legends of Runeterra work to veterans who just want to reference a specific Vault level or reward.

Table of Contents

    What Is a "Vault"?

    Vaults are a weekly reward system that awards cards for playing Legends of Runeterra. Every Thursday, you will receive a new Vault filled with cards, wildcards, and shards based on how much XP you have accumulated over the previous 7 days. This system represents the primary means for gaining new cards in Legends of Runeterra as well as Wildcards and shards for crafting specific cards. Amongst the LOR community, Thursdays are commonly referred to as "Vault Day", and players will sometimes share screenshots of particularly lucky Vault rewards.


    Your Vault starts each Thursday at Level 1 with three Bronze chests. Play games and earning XP will progressing your Vault Level and increase the value of your Vault. Levels 2 through Level 13 will improve the quality of the chests up to the maximum tier of three Diamond Chests; Level 2 will also add an Expedition Token and Level 5 will add a random Champion card to the prize pool. At Level 10, the random Champion card is replaced with a Champion Wildcard that can be used to craft any Champion of the player's choice. Each subsequent level beyond Level 13 will award one additional capsule.


    The chests and capsules will contain cards which will added to your collection once you open them. The following image displays the minimum results for each capsule and chest -- in practice these will frequently upgrade into Wildcards, Epics, and sometimes even Champions.

    The official names for the chests in order of tier are:

    1. Bronze Chest (2 cards)
    2. Silver Chest (3 cards including at least 1 Rare)
    3. Gold Chest (4 cards including at least 1 Rare)
    4. Platinum Chest (10 cards including at least 2 Rare)
    5. Diamond Chest (15 cards including at least 3 Rare)

    Upgrade RNG Statistics

    Everything inside your vault has a chance to upgrade into something better. Riot's RyscG provided the following statistics on reddit on November 8, 2019 with the caveat that they might be changed in the future.

    RewardUpgrade Chance
    Chests -> Chest tier +120%
    Capsule -> Wild Capsule5%
    Capsule -> Epic Capsule10%
    Epic Capsule -> Champion Capsule10%
    Random Common, Rare, Epic -> Wildcard of same rarity10%
    Random Champion -> Champion Wildcard5%
    Random Card -> Rarity +110%
    Wildcard -> Rarity +110%


    So What Exactly Does Each Vault Level in Legends of Runeterra Contain?

    Due to the generous nature of the upgrade system, it's difficult to predict exactly what the rewards will be from a particular Vault until you open it. Below are the minimum contents of your chests for each level -- in practice, you can expect much better results.

    LevelXP Req.CardsRares or BetterGuaranteed ChampionExpedition TokensShards
    540001131 Random1520+
    650001331 Random1620+
    770001531 Random1720+
    890002041 Random1840+
    9110002551 Random1960+
    10130003061 Wildcard11080+
    11170003571 Wildcard11220+
    12210004081 Wildcard11360+
    13250004591 Wildcard11500+
    142950050111 Wildcard11500+

    Don't forget that each Expedition Token will award additional cards based on how well you do -- at a minimum, you'll receive an Epic Capsule which will include 1 random Epic, 2 Rares, and 2 Commons.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How Do I See My Runeterra Vault Progression?

    You can see your vault progression every time you earn experience in Legends of Runeterra. If you're out of game though, you can visit the home screen and hit the "Weekly Vault" button in the lower right corner to see how far you've made it.

    When Can I Open My Runeterra Vault?

    The Legends of Runeterra vault resets weekly on Thursdays. You can see the amount of time remaining before you can open yours on the vault screen.

    Do Vaults Carry Over?

    Vaults do not stack and do not carry over week-to-week -- if you fail to open your Vault before the next Thursday, it will be overwritten with a new Level 1 Vault.