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  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    As frustrating as Boom is to play against when he highrolls on his powers, discovers, etc. I think he's fine in terms of expected power level from a hero card. For every runner-runner highroll win there's also some sad warrior who kept rolling the wrong hero power at the wrong time and died miserably.

    The one thing that really bugs me about Boom is the extra 2 armor he gives when you play him compared to literally every other hero card. It's a tiny nerf, but bumping him down to 5 would've given me a win in quite a few games against warrior and it'd be consistent. It'd make playing Boom into a board full of enemy minions a bit more risky, as it should be. Boom shines in slow, grindy games but it's not like there aren't other archetypes that completely blow its pants off like Pogo rogue, reanimator priest or Lucentbark druid.


    Edit: that said, I can imagine Snip-Snap + rush being incredibly busted, doubly so if Snippy is in the mech pool for discovery drone and Omega assembly. But that'd be more on the new OP mech than on Dr. Boom. Same with Omegalul Devastator IMO. That card has no business being a Yeti with (several) benefits.

    In reply to Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
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