Totally agree, but they say they are testing the commnunity reception to this, so maybe in the future they take that into account.
I will not buy none of the decks but for someone who started a few days or weeks ago this is a great way of starting your collection and start playing right away with a decent deck.
Hope they keep coming with great news like they have until now.
I know that this is a dificult time, where people are working from home and all that, but i would really like that they added unique voicelines to the special version of heroes, just like the 1000 wins portrait.
Lets hope that they add them in the future when they have more time for that.
Not gonna lie the playlist is dope! Hope they release it.
Could they one day add the option to fuse other regions collection into one of your choice? That would be great.
Now that is a sweet cardback!
Totally agree, but they say they are testing the commnunity reception to this, so maybe in the future they take that into account.
I will not buy none of the decks but for someone who started a few days or weeks ago this is a great way of starting your collection and start playing right away with a decent deck.
Hope they keep coming with great news like they have until now.
The 3 from 2019, Rise of Shadows, Saviors of Uldum and Descent of Dragons plus the adventure Galakronds Awakening.
2k gold for a full set of 35 cards? Yes please! I will buy one of those all day long!
If the bundle turns out to be real i will for sure buy, thats just insane value and i cant let that pass!
Standard decks in wild. SadFace
Nothing was said about it so im still expecting it to be a bug, lets wait and see.
If you are on EU i can help you with that, add me at eSp#2261
I wonder if that is any way to do this without owning a Switch? Maybe borrowing someones console?
Thats great news, too bad i dont have a switch!
I dont want to buy it... but i will!
Guess they will also sell a bundle with a new hunter skin and 5 hunter packs?
Nice nerfs, the tortolan one is what most people suggested and does not destroy the card, just makes it more fair.
Guardian animals the same, it comes a turn later giving the opponent more time to develop and answer it.
Im ok with this nerfs.
I know that this is a dificult time, where people are working from home and all that, but i would really like that they added unique voicelines to the special version of heroes, just like the 1000 wins portrait.
Lets hope that they add them in the future when they have more time for that.
I have it, since i earned it back in the day, but i cant use it for some reason.
You cant go wrong with this bundle!
It is.
Isnt it a little bit expensive at 15€? Even from a dust only pov i dont think its a good investement at all.