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Fangandclaw's Comments

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Hearthstone in vr would be nuts. Imagine sitting in a virtual tavern as the hero you selected and sitting across from a full size Garrosh Hell scream or Valeera while you hold a hand of virtual cards. The format is really ripe for yugioh type experiences where you see your minions pop out of the cards and whatnot. God that would be insanely cool.

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I hope they nerf Hysteria and Apotheosis. I hope they don't buff caravans. Thoroughly boring designs. Give shaman and demon hunter some love. Preferably buff spell damage and deathrattle.

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I think removing the stat buff from apotheosis is a great place to start. Life steal is extraordinarily powerful and makes games too swing. Comeback mechanics are great but you shouldn't be rewarded with a board clear and full heal for ignoring the board. It would be fine if the priest did not already have some of the best premium removal in the game. Playing around hysteria and soul mirror is already difficult and then they punish you if you go tall or sticky too. Priest needs seriously looked at. Especially if you are going to hit cards like tickatus and Crabrider.

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    This is so dumb and shows either thread creator is a control priest fanboy or has no opinions and listens to the loudest complainers.

    Control priest is tier 1 right now,  but you are suggesting nerfs to a tier 4 deck that beats it? It generates multiples board clears,  heals and and has no counterplay beyond mage and warlock. I would like to see hysteria moved to 4 mana. I would like to see a rework to how the discover mechanic works so that it can no longer be chained into more card generation.

    Legendary spells shouldnt be discoverable either otherwise what is the point of limiting the in the first place?

    Right now priest destroys aggro,  midrange and control. Mage dealing 60 burn isn't even a free win. The priest class is extremely unhealthy. It only loses to its own badluck on the card generation. You can't effectively pressure the class with minions and you can't out value them without tickatus. They have answers to everything but tickatus.

    Somebody needs to say it,  so I will. I know priest being bad is a meme,  but the class is tier 1 now and thoroughly unenjoyable to play against. This isn't a control problem,  this is a card generation problem. Let me be clear on that.

    Discover effects allow extreme flexibility, let's put a lid on the power of them now. Right now it's still playing by the rules of LoE and the game has changed so much that even the ability to not discover the same spell isn't a good enough limiter on the power of discover.

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    While I think it's cool to give top level players special card back. It kind of spits in the face of players who would like separate legend card backs for reaching legend in wild or classic. You could also give out cardbacks for battlegrounds and 12 win runs in duels/arena.

    This is the second cardback that only a minority of folks will get, and standard legend cardbacks has lost any meaning it once had. So in that sense, this is frustrating.

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Oh well would you look at that, "nerf Crabrider or buff my warlock spells." What a clown take,  as if the balance team should purposely cripple entire minion based archetypes just so you can play your awful warlock deck. You are the exact reason Crabrider was printed,  just FYI.

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    As if Crabrider is a problematic card. Give me a break. I agree that paladin feels slightly overturned, and maybe adal is a card to evaluate but ultimately Crabrider is a harmless card on its own and even decks like face hunter omit the card for a reason. Cards that get out of control with the help of other cards is fine as long as it's not a one card powerhouse. In the regard,  Mankrik is more problematic since it can fit in anything and doesn't need support to be strong.

    There is no ground to nerf Crabrider and its pretty obvious who wants the nerf. I. E.  Angry chickens and warlock mains.

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    It's actually an area they could innovate and make the experience better. Like I get wanting people to try the other modes out but outside of game changing updates or expansions,  most people are just in and out and they likely aren't enjoying the game while they force a mode for some xp.

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    It's no wonder this game isn't allowed to have teeth anymore. A bad, easy to control card like Tickatus gets constant complaints despite being a bad card in a tier 4 deck. Is it any wonder that they are afraid of fun stuff like coldlight oracle or other unique win conditions?

    People complain about everything, I swear you want a meta of vanilla stats minions with no text where both players get to play at the same time, everything is a constant mirror and if you look like you might lose,  Blizzard just preemptively ends the game and tells you you both win.

    That is the boring mess every constant complainer is advocating for. Prove me wrong. What are you okay losing to? Can't have burst,  can't have combo,  can't have good value or fatigue win cons. What are you okay losing to?

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I'm glad he addressed Crabrider not being out of line, given its the new target of hate for the bronze/reddit/angry chicken crowd. Bad players stay mad at the wrong things and always refuse to play competitve decks or learn how to appropriately play said decks. Just yell and complain constantly based on your feelings.

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Nothing in classic is going to feel new. These cards are very old now. What matters is that it was underrepresented in spite of it's performance. The general consensus was that priest,  shaman and paladin were all basically unplayable in classic with bad core sets,  but that isn't entirely true and shaman could be a tier 1 class which is mind blowing.

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Considering the talk was shaman is trash in classic and has terrible classic set before classic mode launch. I'm inclined to disagree with you. Even if the deck did exist, card for card,  the perception of its power level was never aligned with its actual strength and lead to it being under played to the point where it may as well not have existed. Now that we have data on the deck,  it might actually influence the meta in a way it never did before. You are just being petty.

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Your feelings vs data. There is a reason they have found this deck and it's because classic up to this point has been based on feelings instead of what actually performs the best. Next you will be telling us how Tickatus is still a problem that needs nerfed right and how control priest is too weak. Cause it's what you feel right?

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    You are imagining this mode working out better than it actually would. People want to play competitvely. Modes that aren't competitive struggle to find players. The answer to the conundrum is a constructed mode with 3-6 sets in at any given time that rotates with old and new sets every expansion. Something like classic with sets that rotate in and out to play old metas and metas that never existed is the proper way to give old dead cards new life.

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From kaladin

    Or Token Druid. 


    None of deck list sites have updated post nerf deckslists.


    Please don't derail this thread.  Thanks.

    Rush warrior looks like one of the strongest decks in the game. I'm not posting the list here for you though. Given you are a big brain player who likes to belittle others for the decks they play,  surely you can find it yourself

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From Grumpy000

    I think that now the super tier 1 is Face hunter. Mage ( warlocks cannot survive enough and paladin need a very good draw to compete.

    So the nerf succeded ... but there will be a new one soon to keep the control decks viable

    I have to say, I can't stand the constant whining about the viability of "control"  every single meta. There is always a viable control deck,  multiple viable control decks right now even. What people mean to say when they complain about the viability of control is they want long winded fatigue matches back. You are not getting them. You can play control priest,  warlock or big warrior right now. All of which are capable of reaching high legend. Get over it. Accept that you will have bad match ups and that the meta does not revolve around your play style.

    It's also funny given control priest poops all over the "super tier 1" face hunter. You haven't a clue what balance is. You just want fatigue matches to be the norm.

    In reply to Meta after nerfs
  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Not sure how I feel about buffs. Maybe if the go in very carefully it could be interesting, but overall I think their buffs have been shown to negativily impact the game, if not immediately apparent with cards like Lunas pocket galaxy,  the down the line with Aldor's attendant. 

    Stuff like removing a point or two of damage from the deathrattle effect on the 5/7 in dh could be neat. Shaman could do with some help.  Most other classes feel like a breath away from being oppressive.

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From LordMilan

    Looks fine, but I think for mage it's not enough.

    The thing with mage is spell mage is it's overall a pretty fair deck that loses to most decks in the game,  even pre nerf. It was the high roll of lunacy that carried it and made its other cards feel more unfair. Now an already squishy deck needs to keep a 4 mana card do nothing card in their opening hand to guarantee early lunacy,  and if it's not kept,  the odds of the mage drawing through most of their deck before they ever find it again significantly reduces its impact when played.

    I think it will be fine. It's neutered it's competitive advantage while keeping the the fun of the card in tact for potential high roll games that the dev team thinks we enjoy for some reason.

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    These are good nerfs. Spell mage was already winning games when it didn't draw DoL and the match felt pretty fair. Paladin still looks strong but no more Flinger to accompany 0 mana libram anymore is going to hurt more than people might realize. Watch post nerfs will hopefully incentivize more minion combat and given that rogue would have likely been instant tier one with mage and pally nerfed, I'm glad she was hit as well. Hopefully I see significantly less Jandice shadowsteps in the future.

  • Fangandclaw's Avatar
    75 24 Posts Joined 04/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    At that point its more likely you just need a break. Even with how toxic standard is atm,  there aren't any entirely unwinnable match ups. The waste of time argument makes no sense either since auto conceding hurts your rank and your xp is based on match length. It's basically a lose lose for the auto conceding player no matter how you slice it. If your time is too valuable to spend it in a lost game then why isn't more valuable than a winning one?  It's really silly logic.

    In reply to Autoconceeding.
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