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Joined 05/29/2019 Achieve Points 200 Posts 46

Freek's Comments

  • Freek's Avatar
    200 46 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Geez, I did not expect this much resentment. One last attempt to summarize my standpoints, try not to burn them to the ground it's just my opinion.

    • I think it's great they started interrupting runs, to prevent old drafts from sticking around.
    • I think it's great that they are compensating people for their interrupted runs, the compensation is more than sufficient.
    • I don't like how people 'trick' the system by making a new run just to get the free pack, but that's not the problem
    • It sucks that they lock the arena for 6-8 hours before they (attempt to) upgrade the game.


  • Freek's Avatar
    200 46 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    It's not that I'm greedy, I just like equal treatment. I actually think it would be better if the expired run did not give a card pack as part of the arena reward, the compensation is a bit excessive tbh.

  • Freek's Avatar
    200 46 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago
    Quote From Alfi

    You can:

    • Play until 2 losses and then stop and get a free ticket
    • Play until you have 12 wins or 3 losses

    You have exactly the same choices as the other players. No one is punished in any way.

    These choices don't have the same impact on these two groups. That's like closing one road and telling everyone they can use 'other roads'. This will, of course, impact the users who would normally use this closed road. Even though everyone has the same options: 'other roads'.

    Quote From sinti

    It is not to stop ppl from abusing the compensation mechanism. It is to let ppl who want to play out their runs play them out.

    I'm not sure how closing the arena helps people to play out their arena runs. You can also play out your run if there is no lockdown.

  • Freek's Avatar
    200 46 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Every time there's a rotation in arena, the arena gets locked down way in advance. Presumably to prevent people from 'abusing' the compensation mechanism.

    I have a pretty good run going, currently at 8/1. I want to keep playing, but it might be that afterwards the arena will be locked and I won't get the free ticket/pack. I feel that I am unjustly punished for actually playing arena.

    People who play no arena can leave a run open for several days, they don't care. Still they get their free ticket+pack. This compensation mechanism is rigged towards the abusers.

  • Freek's Avatar
    200 46 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Any idea if/when they are going to lock arena for entry before june 3rd?

  • Freek's Avatar
    200 46 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I really don't understand why people are asking for dust refunds after they're given awesome cards.

    I could understand asking for a craft discount, if you recently dusted these cards. But probably they didn't store this bit of information.

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