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Joined 05/29/2019 Achieve Points 340 Posts 142

FuRenz's Comments

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Hi everyone!
    I've completed the brawl under the 40min limit and got the rewards yesterday.
    But now when connected the rewarded cards are missing. Already contacted support, but wanted to know if there are more people having this issue.

    In reply to Missing rewards
  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I have the same problem with Warlock And Mage.
    Put the new heroes as favourite, even assigned them individually to the decks of the class, but still when I enter play the hero is the "normal" one.

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Ok, thanks!

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Can anyone provide the original link from blizzard please!

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From Paragon

    I think this artwork is rather old also, not yet defining his spikey green look.
    Also, possibly being Gul'dan when he is partially through his transformation from various demonic activities.

    He started out as a skinny orc boi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3QJ8Pgjj3c
    Also, for a good laugh check out what he looked like in Warcraft 3 

    Thanks friend, that harbingers video is amazing. Also looked at the Illidan one.
    Yes, the looks when Warcraft 3 are very funny :)

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From Primus7112765

    that's lucky FuRenz. when kft released I got taldaram as my first legendary on both my accounts and de'd him immediately. roll on a few months and im sure you can appreciate how annoyed I was with myself. never de'd a legendary since.

    I get a lot of hate on forums when saying "don't dust any legendary card, ever" it can re-roll being a bad card, it's always a waste of dust and eventually will have some op use down the line. (Except Blackhowl Gunspire , I totally forgot that was a card and that I have it, thanks @Avalon!)
    People always say that they need dust for the meta decks and whatnot. I have to send this link next time, or new players to understand the regrets they are incurring in.

    In reply to Smug Mode!
  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    I had pulled the Talaram Prince 1st day of KotFT and got really sad with it. Then cubelock appeared.

    About cards I hope get some play, even in wild, Nozdormu and Moorabi, high hopes on those 😁

    In reply to Smug Mode!
  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Thank you everyone!
    I just saw the full image and found curious a Warlock using a sword/dagger since I've never played WoW.
    Cool to see the context and understand what is it about.

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Hi everyone,
    in the following image (full Warlock art)
    there are 2 things I would thank someone to explain.

    -The first is the weapon hold, is it described anywhere in WoW or is it merely cosmetic for HS. Also, if Gul'dan is holding a weapon, wouldn't Warlock be fit to have weapon cards?

    -The second question, who/what is the skull-faced clear being/statue on the back right of the picture?

    Thanks in advance!

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    I really do HATE priest class, like visceral! Too many resurrect shenanigans in wild and I still remember the razakus era.
    But even so, what do you want them to do, they have been nerfed with no reason in extra-arms and before they killed one of the identity of the class (shadow priest) by sending mindblast to HoF.
    If it's going that way, simply substitute the class by a new one, since you are making it worthless.
    The class identity BS is rubbish. Ramp druid is gone, vanish is in HoF and prep(plus all the rogue spells) are useless, doomguard and any hope for discardlock also, and so on...
    This nerf mania is just useful to make people spend more money on expansions. Paint it as you want, stall meta, non-interactive combos blablabla.
    You nerf or hof this now, next month, oh surprise, another one needs a nerf.
    Cubelock, tempo rogue, warriors (too aggro or too control, take a pick), mages with combos or with low cost minions, always a deck to pick on.
    If it's so good, just craft the damn deck, eventually people will play another one. I personally have all the "meta decks" except druids and priest, and I don't play any shaman or control warrior. Just got tired of it.
    Buffs would be welcome again, to shake things up by improving our collections. Do you realize that more casual players can't afford all this nerfs and that we need them for the game to stay with a large base of players? Has anyone made the statistics of the dust cost of top tier decks over the past 2 years, and how many class legendaries enter those?
    Stop wasting resources and leave the sad standard priests alone, we have ruined enough classes already

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    next month I'll return here, and the next, and the next... In a year, when the new "nerf this" post hits, I'll have all this thread to prove my point, over, and over, and over. See you then, have fun!

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Oh the shock, not one month later, and people are asking priest to be nerfed. 

    See, no matter how much you downvote and disagree, I was right, this is a no ending circle. There will always be a better deck and people will whine about it.

    Ahhhhh,it $uck$ being right! 

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Dude, no!
    Made it work once, in a friendly. Second one, friend killed me by chance :)

    But good try, unfortunately mogu only works in wild lock.

    Thanks for the fun nonetheless! :D

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    When I was able to pull the Highlander Ra combo, with a deck found here, from Warlock, my favorite class! 

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Had crafted cultist first day after opening packs and didn't once pulled the combo (tried Rogue and Lock). With your deck, pulled it both tries (one in casual one in ranked) Finally! Thanks, great fun 😁

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    A question, why when I get a flare out of zephrys, it gets countered by counterspell?

    In reply to Zephrys the Great
  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From iWatchUSleep

    You didn't answer my question. Aggro (be it paladin or any other deck, I couldn't tell from your wording) is not a counter to warrior. What are you even on about...

    Luna's Pocket Galaxy is now the Barnes of standard. Mages having it on curve skyrockets their winrate to absurd amounts. This is not a healthy thing. Then again, seeing how you enjoyed the death knight meta shows you don't really know what makes a meta good or healthy to begin with. 

    You don't honestly expect that out of the 135 cards released per expansion, the majority of them will see competitive play, right? That is impossible to achieve and if you think otherwise you're most likely very naive or uninformed.

    Edit: You also seem to be missing another crucial part. If a certain card/deck gets nerfed, it often gives way for new cards and deck archetypes to see play. As those decks were most likely being hard countered by the deck that got nerfed.

    Quest Paladin is a great counter to warrior, it was already before the nerfs!
    Highrolling Murloc Palli is also a counter to almost everything, then again, this is and always be "drawstone", since it is a card game.

    Luna's was exactly like Keleseth, if you got it, you win the game, it's a highroll. And Barnes is not the Priest problem in wild, is the insane amount of resurrect they have, never having great viable decks in standard, but accumulating resurrect mechanics in wild for years.

    Yes, I loved the DK cards, and as it seems, they are proved great ones, hence the complaints about warrior. Every class should have a DK or Jaraxxus in standard. Fun cards, with swing effects.

    Yes I do expect a card printed to be playable, is that too much to ask? If not, don't print them, release less but with quality. Not understanding your point here. You go to a restaurant, it is expectable that everything in the menu is possible to eat? Or will restaurants now provide rocks or plastic toys in the menu for you NOT TO EAT, but just being there, in the menu, because somehow it looks cool...?!

    I agree that new cards and decks see play after nerfs, it's a change, there's an adaptation, obviously. But was it that swingy?
    Less control warrior but I still find some, I see some Mages but it's the unfortunate people who invested all their dust in a 19k deck and now can't get refunds enough to craft one of the other strong decks.
    Highlander hunter, was already being played successfully.
    All the murlocs and quest shamans and pallis also.
    Priests, oh well, go to wild and be hated there, no place for them in standard, although the quest has potential. Again, a great card no one asks for support that will disappear because blizz is nerfing the other good ones. 
    What else, zoolock, it's the only way to go for warlock, after loosing core cards and mechanics also because of hof and nerfs. Also cool to refer that discard was never properly taken in account and synergies were implemented too late. Now it's the lackey era, but with no proper lackey generation. If only they printed more good cards instead of rubbish useless ones (are you seeing a pattern here?).
    Druids, that at the beginning of the expansion seemed unstopable but now they fall down before or after the midgame, still, fun expensive decks, or good old tokens because of course the ramp identity of druids went down the drain, with nerfs.
    Rogues, that unbelievably still manage to survive after every identity defining trait has been obliterated. Aggro/tempo archetypes that kill you before turn 7 or they are dead. Same decks as before, not having much more play.

    So, after the nerfs, you have people playing basically the same decks, with the best one disappearing and people rotating to the previously existing ones, until one stands out, and then we are back to the beginning.

    One important fact, I din't played the nerfed decks, warrior was boring to play, and mage needed a lot of expensive cards.
    Even so, I think and will stand for my belief that nerfs do worse than good, and we are downgrading instead of upgrading.
    Yes, the power creep theory, I don't buy it! Power creep away, find new mechanics, make others work properly, DEVELOP, don't downgrade. especially don't downgrade our resources constantly.
    Have you realised the game more than tripled it's cost in 2 years? What if no new players get into it? We all need the f2p players for the game to be viable, or it will turn into artifact. Of the persons that got me to play this, not one still plays it, because of the huge cost and constant nerfs, being impossible to stabilize without buying bundles. Few rotated to physical tcg's because and I quote "in here, you have physical cards and they can't nerf them" and the others just went to other games.

    Nerfs just increase the cost of the game, changes in meta are temporary, eventually other decks will feel OP and the cycle will never end, with players being milked out of resources and stuck with useless cards.

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From iWatchUSleep

    Ah, the cop out response. I didn't expect anything else, really. Enjoy complaining about Blizzard actually putting in some effort for once in trying to fix unbalanced decks  because you can't play your broken stuff anymore. Peace.

    So, just checking, what is the OP "we must nerf this" deck of the week?
    I crafted two more and wanted to see if the choices were ok.
    Let me get it right, before the nerfs, control was awful, but now you feel that tingle inside loosing to aggro, and you want to nerf everything below 3 mana, right?
    Yeah, this time I'm just messing with you, so that people realise that nerfs is just a waste of dust, because, guess what, meta will never be perfect, and in the meantime, class identity or whatever bs blizzard throws in your eyes is gone. Spells and combo in rogues, ramp in druid, whatever they thought pali was, but now it's mummies... And I hate priest more than any other class, but that nerf on extra arms, even I think it is just uncalled for.
    I have a golden Sahket Sapper and never used it  it seems super OP, maybe nerf that one?
    Be sure to keep those daily nerf requests going, thanks!

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Outstanding job! Never found such an engaging and complete take on the Old Gods. Usually people tend to discribe them as misterious entities never completely seen in WOW - apart from C'thun - and little more. Never having played WOW most of the lore is unknown to me so I have signed for this theme to be covered in a previous article and this was not at all disappointing. I may have paid more attention to your article today than the game itself with nerf day, so that's a compliment. Keep up the excellent work, congrats!

    Edit:some errors are possible, writing on the phone and English as second language, sorry

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From iWatchUSleep
    Quote From FuRenz
    Quote From iWatchUSleep

    Ah yes, because the KotFT meta was extremely healthy where the majority of the decks relied on a single card and if they did not draw that in time, they'd lose. Much like warrior with Dr. Boom, Mad Genius right now. Let's just add more of those cards and warp the meta around them once again. Fantastic idea.


    Tell us then, how would you tone down warrior, for instance, by reverting nerfs/HoFs and/or buffing cards?

    I really loved the KotFT meta in reality! Not tone warrior down, tone others up? You are playing what, aggro? Give more tools to other classes, aggro and quest paladin are good counters to warriors. Give more aggro tools to other classes.I think vanish is a mistake being all of famed, it would counter mage perfectly. And this is always the same, you nerf a class others appear, and more complaints, and more cards made useless. GREAT buff the one on Luna's, no one used it and now is a great card. Hopefully they had done before with Moorabi, and gave tools to freeze shaman. But it's a dead card forever. You like having useless cards printed? 

    You didn't answer my question. Aggro (be it paladin or any other deck, I couldn't tell from your wording) is not a counter to warrior. What are you even on about...

    Luna's Pocket Galaxy is now the Barnes of standard. Mages having it on curve skyrockets their winrate to absurd amounts. This is not a healthy thing. Then again, seeing how you enjoyed the death knight meta shows you don't really know what makes a meta good or healthy to begin with. 

    You don't honestly expect that out of the 135 cards released per expansion, the majority of them will see competitive play, right? That is impossible to achieve and if you think otherwise you're most likely very naive or uninformed.

    Edit: You also seem to be missing another crucial part. If a certain card/deck gets nerfed, it often gives way for new cards and deck archetypes to see play. As those decks were most likely being hard countered by the deck that got nerfed.

    So, after a month of nerfs you will be here complaining again for whatever deck gets a positive winrate again, right. And it will all be ok, with some 4k dust wasted on our colections but you will be happily complaining about the next "oh no the devil" card.
    Whatever, keep wasting resources and money, blizzard likes it! every nerf, more gold and packs are thrown to the garbage, so, more money for them.
    hell,ask for 5 expansions a year, that would keep a healthy meta....
    Have fun, if in EU send messgae, I would like you to try some of my wild decks and see the game for the fun of it,not only the HOLY meta

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