can be very good in wild with magnetic cards
too slow
nice board clearer
good for the questline ... but also standalone
there will be some enthusiasm at the beginning ... but this will fade away soon
not worth it for 3 mana
decent card for a deathrattle deck
watched some stream ... seems really good (in theory... craft)
interesting mechanic. Not sure if worth in meta standard
shadow priest support - not bad
not too much excited by this card
it will define a new meta
one more reason for Libram paladin
mana cheating is always good
can be very good in wild with magnetic cards
can be very good in wild with magnetic cards
too slow
too slow
too slow
too slow
nice board clearer
nice board clearer
good for the questline ... but also standalone
there will be some enthusiasm at the beginning ... but this will fade away soon
not worth it for 3 mana
decent card for a deathrattle deck
watched some stream ... seems really good (in theory... craft)
interesting mechanic. Not sure if worth in meta standard
shadow priest support - not bad
not too much excited by this card
it will define a new meta
one more reason for Libram paladin
too slow
mana cheating is always good